Warm Travelers

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  Her voice echoed through the canyon, causing birds to fly from their nests. Such a loud sound frightened them and they thought that trouble would soon be among them. These creatures were lucky though; they weren't the ones who had to walk with the beast. Grey eyes raging and the mind slowly breaking were key characteristics of this individual. It was almost unbearable to stand next to her, which was why he stood several feet behind her.

Truly, it was pity that he couldn't seal her mouth shut in some fashion. Furthermore, he wouldn't be surprised if she summoned the guardian of this canyon to them with her incessant yelling. How had she not lost her voice yet? Running his fingers through his hair, he merely pretended to look for you despite the fact that he knew you wouldn't be found down this path.

As his mint-green eyes glanced back and forth, he recalled upon some information that Tipora had disclosed to him awhile back. That information pertained to the fact that you lived with the King of Hearts and King of Diamonds. The two twins were known to be sadistic clowns and he was surprised you still had a rational mindset. Maybe it was that stubborn personality of yours that kept you intact. He honestly didn't understand how you could tolerate such people, but maybe there was something more to the picture. In fact that was probably the reason you couldn't return his feelings; you cared for them instead.

Personally, he had never met the two men, but the rumors he heard would intrigue anyone; then again disturb would probably be a better term. A manager turned into an atrocity and a whole carnival ruined. Girls, who went missing, were occasionally seen being chased by monsters. Dark chuckles heard in the background, as they cried to be saved. His master would mention once in awhile that they were cursed due to the actions of their parents and how they deserved such punishment, an eternity of desiring blood and entertainment with no way to quell it.

Would he ever meet the infamous twins? It wouldn't surprise him if he did. They were known to keep quite the hold on the girls they captured. Any who tried to stop them were always found in gruesome states later on. Just hearing the details caused a chill to run up his spine.

Letting out a long sigh, he stopped, realizing that Tipora had halted her movement as well. She was currently peering into a hole in one of the rock structures. Was she that foolish? What if the guardian was in there, or some other creature? He almost wanted to face-palm when he saw her stick her umbrella into the space.

Leaning against a nearby rock wall, he waited until she finished with her unwise inspection. Staring up at the pale yellow-orange sky, his eyes followed the movement of a flock of birds. Their white wings carried them around a sharp-pointed rock and under the rocks that formed a magnificent arch. Shadows of their movement danced across the ground, adding to the many other shades that stretched over the green earth. He wondered if you were seeing a similar scene at the moment, or how you were carrying along with supplies. It wasn't until you left that he realized you had no food or water on you. In this heat that would prove rather nightmarish. Hopefully, you were somehow managing. Concerning himself and his loud companion, they would snack upon the occasional bird. Moreover, Rollta was tasked with filling his water canister that was stored in one of his pockets.

While Tipora continued to search another one of the holes in the rock structure and Rollta stared up at the sky, another viewer watched them from higher ground. He smirked at seeing the pair, especially since he didn't see the Queen of Clovers with them. So they had failed in their task; just like he expected. Previously, he had warned his king about sending them out to get you, but his caution wasn't listened to. Then again their king was in a bad mood that day.

Stringing his long bow, he placed an arrow in it while his double followed with the same action. One was aimed at each. His smile growing, he released the weapon twice, watching as they descended upon their targets. Both barely dodged in time and immediately looked up to where the arrows came from. Tipora merely glared at the male and crossed her arms over her chest. Rollta on the other hand wondered why he was out here. Had their master grown that impatient?

Wearing leather pants and a tight leather shirt while a piece of grey fabric lay wrapped around his waist, the man jumped from the high rock, landing perfectly on his feet, which were covered in thick leather boots. Dark brown wavy shoulder length hair tied back into a side ponytail, and red eyes gleaming, the man of 6'7 treaded over to them. Placing his long bow back in its holder on his back, he stretched leisurely while his muscles rippled under his armor. His duplicate soon merged with him, making him all one once again.

"Ah, so the two children have lost the girl. What a pity, I wanted to see this famed Queen of Clovers and her weapon," he dictated in a gruff voice.

"I didn't lose her Balthier, this idiot did," Tipora announced, pointing over at Rollta.

His red eyes turned over to the smaller male and he gave out a hearty laugh, resting his large hands on the two daggers that were strapped to his belt buckle. Placing his right hand on Rollta's left shoulder; he laughed more before turning his gaze back to the girl. Amusement left his eyes somewhat before he moved his right hand to the front of Tipora's dress. In one swift motion, he lifted her into the air until he threw her back to the ground. She let out a slight cry of pain before glaring up at the man.

"Come now Tipora, you're as much to blame as Rollta. If he's such an idiot then why didn't you keep a better eye on her? I'll tell you why because you're an arrogant kiss-up to our king, who actually has no skills besides twirling that annoying toy of yours around."

"Excuse me?! You're the one who nearly loses his wits when Afendel walks by."

"Ah yes, but I don't grovel at her feet. Surely, you've notice how much you disgust our king. He only lets you fight for him because of that stupid toy of yours. Now how about you stop placing your stupidity on others and let's get to the heart of the matter. We need to find the Queen of Clovers. Now hopefully one of you has some idea of where she has run off to."

"Of course, why do you think we're searching this area," she stated with an ice-cold tone, clearly insulted by his previous comment.

Giving a curt nod, he went behind the two and pushed them forward, indicating for them to show the way. He would've taken the lead himself, but he had only just discovered that their object of interest was gone. Thus he would have to depend upon the two midgets before him.

Going forward, a light breeze swept through the canyon and a certain scent caught the attention of the three. Quickly, Balthier moved Rollta and Tipora out of his way, almost sprinting forward. The smell of iron was strong, as the shorter individuals followed after him. Not too far away from them rested the corpses of a dozen birds. Wings completely gone from their bodies while red painted multiple rocks, the scenery instantly took a darker tone. Upon seeing the sight, Balthier instantly pulled his bow from his back, analyzing the landscape. A loud roar went across the canyon while the sound of something large running resonated in the air as well.

Soon a creature of comparable size came into view, as sharp fangs descended from its mouth. Eye sockets barren and fur the color of the red rose, the creature imprinted the shape of its large paws into the ground. A smirk painted itself across the tall male's face, as he fired an arrow at the beast. As it took flight, flames grew around the surface of the object. It wasn't long until the weapon landed in the eye socket of the creature. Fire sprung up on the creature's face, as it continued to charge forward at the three travelers. All of them jumped out of the way while the beast swatted at its own face, trying to put the flames out. Its tail swept across the landscape, but before it could strike any of the three, Tipora pointed her umbrella at the thing and halted its movement before swinging it back at its owner.

This caused the creature to be swatted in the face with its own appendage. Howling in pain, it turned abruptly and looked at its attackers before charging once more. Rollta, removing one of his pens from his pockets, clicked the writing utensil, bringing forth the blade. Running forward, he held it out to his side, drawing it across the beast's pelt. Another yell of agony escaped the creature's jaws. They all dodged another attack from the massive cana while Balthier stringed another arrow.

Firing it, the object erupted into flames again and struck the creature in its fresh wound. Flames ate at the blood before the creature tumbled to the ground. Exhausted from the multiple wounds, it attempted to recover itself, but the flames took control. Having some sympathy for the beast, Balthier took out one of his daggers and approached the giant being. Swiftly, he plunged the blade into the heart of the cana. Not a moment later, the creature let out its last sound of life.

"Ah, well that was fun. Now I think we have quite the meal for ourselves tonight," he called out cheerily.

Ignoring him, Tipora went on looking for you while Rollta let out a sigh. He had forgotten that such a beast prowled in these parts and he hoped that they would encounter no more. Balthier was right though, they would at least have good nourishment for the evening, though how long could he keep up the charade with this man by his side. This man was more perceptive than Tipora.  

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