Separated by Doors

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   The blast had roughly thrown the three into the sitting room. Fade slid across the tiled floor, hitting the other double-doors in the room with a loud thud. Heart landed on the love seat that rested on the left side of the room, though the impact caused both the furniture and him to tip over. He crashed to the ground and groaned in pain, as the love seat rested on top of him. Diamond flew through the air and collided with the wall next to the other doors in the room, impacting it roughly before falling onto the tile.

Small droplets of blood were coughed from his lips, as the red-headed male slowly stood to his feet. Fade was experiencing a similar situation while Heart was pushing the piece of furniture off of him. All three were seemingly going to run to the doors that led to the field of poppies, but a loud banging behind them halted their movement.

Guards pounded against the door, since they had heard loud noises coming from inside the sitting room. Such sound was never heard from the sitting room due to their majesty always requesting that it remain quiet. Thus when they heard multiple thuds, they knew something was off. At the same time, someone heard the ruckus the guards were creating, as they were walking the halls. They were headed in the direction of the sitting room because they needed to talk to their master.

Ever since they had returned to the castle, they felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. They couldn't serve him anymore; they couldn't constantly lie to their master's face. He knew his life would be ended the moment he spoke of his betrayal, but it was too much to bear; he still owed his master his life and he couldn't constantly live in his master's presence with such a weight on his shoulders. Of course, he didn't want to die; he wanted to experience the freedom that you gave him, the freedom to rule himself and not always follow unreasonable orders.

Sighing, he ran his right fingers through his bluish-white locks. His fingers stopped halfway through, when he saw the guards pounding on the sitting room doors. Those doors were never locked, though he almost instantly knew the reason for their current state. You must have already entered the poppy filled room where Umelius was, meaning you were in battle. Furthermore, your companions must be with you, the other kings and queen. Knowing his master though, it was likely that your companions were now separated from you. He at first doubted the loud thuds he heard previously, but seeing the guards outside the doors all doubt was lost.

Personally, he didn't really care about your companions, he just cared about you. At the same time though, he understood your care for your companions. When you rejected his feelings, he saw what you held for those two kings. Thus out of his feelings for you, he decided that he must get the guards away from the door. It wouldn't be too hard, since he had a higher status than the guards. Moreover, the guards most likely wouldn't stand a chance against two kings and one queen; there would be too much of a difference in their magic capabilities and strength.

Bearing his mask that he wore so well, he grinned widely and shouted, "What's going on here? Surely, you know what happens if you cause too much noise. His highness would be quite displeased."

"Ah, Sir Rollta, we understand, but we think there are intruders on the other side of these doors," one of the guards stated, still pushing against the heavy objects.

"And don't you think our King would be able to handle them, though if you're really worried let me take over for all of you. Making all of this ruckus will get us nowhere," the male responded, tossing a bouncy ball up in the air before catching it.

All of the guards glanced at each other and thought the idea over. They nodded in response, figuring that Rollta would be able to take the intruders out quietly. Rollta grinned before signaling them all to go back to their usual positions. He let his grin fall when they were out of sight. Standing in front of the double-doors, he merely sat in front of them. Part of him wanted to open the doors, but what would that accomplish? Only an awkward encounter would ensue. From what he heard about the twin kings, they would kill him on the spot, especially if they somehow managed find out about his feelings towards you. As for meeting the Queen of Spades, he didn't know her; he only learned of her betrayal from Umelius, but part of him knew that he hadn't heard the whole story. Thus it wouldn't be as awkward to come face to face with her, but he didn't feel like meeting her at the moment.

Of course, his master and the one he cared for were fighting. Even now he could hear the sounds of battle begin. He didn't want either to die, but if his master won you wouldn't die; you would be turned into a puppet with no control over their body's actions. You would be a prisoner to yourself and he was pained at the thought of such a thing happening. Likewise, if you were to win, you would kill his master unless by some chance you spared him. Leaning back against the doors, he glanced down the halls, figuring it best to just guard the doors for now.

It was strange, listening to the sudden silence. Fade and the brothers were confused, but remained cautious nevertheless. At any moment the quiet could change and the guards outside could find a way in. Fade's vine that was wrapped around the handles would hold them off, but only for so long. Deciding that she could spare a little more magic, she placed another vine around the handles. After doing so, she glanced back at the brothers, seeing them try to open the doors to the poppy fields beyond. Their efforts proved useless.

Thus Fade went over to them and crouched, permitting vines to grow from the ground and extend out under the door. The moment they went under, a loud snapping sound reached their ears. Fade pulled the vines back only to discover that the ends of the vines were obliterated. No doubt Umelius placed a wind shield over the doors. Learning this information, Fade rested her hands on her hips after standing up fully.

"What happened to those vines?" Heart questioned, his eyes glancing between the destroyed vines and the doors.

"Umelius has kindly shielded the doors with wind. Even if we were to open these doors, we would be sliced to pieces."

"There must be some way to help!" Heart yelled, kicking one of the doors hard due to his growing frustration, though exhaustion was setting in due to the blast and the wounds he received earlier.

"I'm afraid that there currently is no way. My magic won't dispel the wind over the doors and neither will yours."

"That's unsatisfactory!" the blue-haired male shouted, now pacing back and forth in the room despite the tiredness he felt.

"It is quite annoying, but it won't do very good to get ourselves killed. As much as I hate to say this, I think we'll just have listen to Fade. Right now, we just have to hope that Miss ____ will prevail."

Each could hear your fight on the other side of the doors and worry raced through their hearts. Things were not going as planned for either the brothers, or you. On your end, you were currently flying backwards towards the doors that led out into the sitting room. Before you could hit the doors, another gust of wind threw you to the side, tossing you away from the doors and onto the flower covered ground. You wondered why he made you go away from the doors and then you saw why. The wind that was previously only covering the handles spread out over the doors completely. If you had hit them, you would be dead.

Getting onto your feet quickly, you held your sword up just in time. Umelius's halberd pushed against one of the seemingly floating blades on your sword. His weapon began glowing and you instantly knew what to expect. Swiftly, you pushed the halberd off your weapon and jumped back while covering your eyes with your left arm. Light covered the room, but went away soon. When you uncovered your eyes again, Umelius was only a few feet from you. Part of the handle of the halberd raced towards your face and you just barely deflected it. The force sent you sliding back, but you kept your balance.

"Don't you see how pointless this is, Queen of Clovers? Just surrender your mind to me and we can forget this useless fighting," he stated, slicing his weapon through the air again.

Dodging the wind, you replied, "Never, I will beat you. I will make you see your error. Your plan is wrong and you know it. Why would your late wife ever want such a thing to happen?"

"And how would you know her desires, child?" he responded, as your weapons clashed once more.

Bringing your right leg up, you roundhouse kicked him, as you pushed his weapon off of yours. Your booted foot collided with his side, sending him to the floor. You proceeded to twirl your weapon in your hands before closing in on him. With the weapon so close to its target, you could feel energy grow in the weapon. A faint purple glow came off of the sword. It had been awhile since you last utilized the energy within the weapon. The last time was when you created shield, as the Land of Amusement was falling apart. Frankly, you would've created shields earlier in the battle, but the wind would've hit you before the shield formed properly.

Before he could make another move, you swung the sword towards his king's weapon. The blade knocked the halberd away from Umelius, but Umelius recovered himself to his feet and sent a blast of wind from his left hand. Not expecting this, you quickly stabbed your sword into the ground and utilized it as a shield. Both the sword and you slid back, but you still saw the faint glow. There was no doubt that the sword wanted you to use its built up power and it was signaling you that it was ready to make such an attack on your opponent.  

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