Ignoring Questions

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  You never realized that you had fallen asleep until you felt something prodding you in your left side. Groaning in displeasure at the feeling, you curled up more while swatting the thing away with your left hand. This made no difference, as you felt a harder jab into your side, causing you to open your (e/c) eyes and glare at the antagonist. Tipora rested her right hand on her hip while her left hand held the umbrella. She signaled for you to get up before pointing to the outside of the tree base. To you it looked the same as it did last night, since no sunlight seemed to breach the tree canopy. Knowing that she would continue to pester you, or force you to get up, you reluctantly stretched and stood on your two feet.

Following her out of the amber structure, you went ahead her, as she instructed. Frankly, you had no idea how long these woods would go on for, but you guessed that Tipora would just ignore your question again. The silence between you two didn't really bother you, but you would like to know your captor a bit better. It would aid you in escaping. Learning just one of her weaknesses could go a long way, though how far could you run in bare feet? Right now, there was only soft grass and the occasional tree root that you had to walk on, but you doubted that the path once out of the woods would remain that way. Why she couldn't just wave her umbrella around and provide you with some socks and shoes was beyond you? Even after a year of being in this world, you still didn't understand how magic worked. Of course, you pieced together that some had more magic than others, and that each individual had their own unique talents. There seemed to be some shared talents across the citizens of this world, but what were those shared abilities?

Asking Tipora would do you no good, though maybe this Rollta individual would help you. If that were the case, then you could be patient. Dealing with the brothers' constant annoyances taught you patience, however maybe you were just asking Tipora the wrong questions. None of your questions seemed to hold any interest to her, or change that emotionless expression of hers. What could you ask her though? Several times last night, you had attempted to learn the identity of her master and where you were going, but she would only respond with a roll of the eyes, telling you to have patience. This appeared to be impossible.

As you were contemplating a way to get Tipora to respond to one of your questions with a decent answer, Tipora was twirling her umbrella around. She longed to get back to Valinquinia and walk across the tightropes that extended over the city and her master's throne room; she longed to impress him, but for now she would have to wait. Her grey eyes stared at you, seeing that you seemed to have your head in the clouds. Your endless questions last night were a nuisance, so she was quite glad that you were being silent for the moment. Such silence would become extinct once Rollta came into the picture. That man could almost never remain quiet and she wondered why her master ever let him become one of the four elites. With you in the picture though, his annoying antics might be directed towards you and not her, which would prove beneficial. For the moment, there were still a couple of days before they would reach the end of the woods. Thus she still had a few more days left of quiet.

Feeling Tipora's gaze glued on you, you huddled your bound hands into the fabric of your pajama shirt, since they were slightly cold. The only benefit of such attire was the warmth factor as well as the comfort it provided. You wondered if you would ever get a change of clothes before you reached your destination. Then again you didn't want to reach this destination, but at the same time you didn't want to return to the brothers just yet. Thus your mind returned to the issue of asking Tipora the proper question. Maybe something that pertains to her master, but not exactly their identity. Perhaps there was a way to get their identity with indirect questions about the subject. It was unlikely, but there was always a chance that it could work.

"Tipora do you like this master of yours?".

It was a simple thing to ask and could potentially lead to their identity, which she currently refused to give you. If anything, you wanted this person's identity, so you wouldn't be heading into a situation completely blind. Tipora halted her movement for a brief moment. She could very well ignore the question, but at the same time she couldn't. How could she remain quiet about such a thing? Of course she liked her master, she loved her master; she was his loyal servant.

"Yes," was all she responded, trying to keep her emotions at bay.

Well at least this time she gave you somewhat of a decent answer. Your feet continued to walk upon the soft green grass while you thought of another question. A turquoise colored fox ran across a tree branch just a few feet away, its orange eyes glancing at your two forms before running off. Tipora wondered if you were going to ask anything else. It wouldn't surprise her, but why was there such a long pause? Twirling her umbrella around, she waited to see if you would open your mouth once more.

"Does he treat you well?".

"Yes," she replied, pondering what you were getting at.

"Does he treat others well?".

So that's what you were getting at. You were trying to get her to tell you about her master's identity. Realizing this, she remained quiet, causing you to turn your head around. She merely shrugged her shoulders when you met her gaze. Had she already figured out your intent? Probably, Tipora was rather perceptive. Knowing that she wouldn't answer anything else, you focused your attention back to the front of you. This was going to be a long few days.


Heart was currently walking towards the dining room with his purple and blue velvet tailcoat flowing behind him. His blue eyes had dark circles under them while his hair hadn't been brushed in a few days. Feet seeming to drag across the ground, he entered the room where the smell of fresh food awaited. Removing his coat, so that he was wearing just his blue button-up shirt and black pants along with blue-heeled shoes, he sat down in his chair. Fade sat in a chair at the head of the table, resting her head in the palms of her hands. Neither had been able to find you these past two days, and both were exhausted. Both hoped that Diamond had better luck than they, but when they heard something being violently thrown, they knew the answer.

It was strange seeing his brother in such a state, as Heart would typically be the one acting in such a manner. The red-headed male stormed into the room with his clothes torn in several places and his hair disheveled. His reddish-orange eye flared with frustration and lack of sleep while he took his own seat. Some of his long fingernails were chipped, giving the man an unusual appearance. All three barely glanced at the food on the table, but didn't touch it.

"What happened to you Diamond?" his brother questioned, clearly confused as to how his sibling ended up in such a state.

"Jimenae," was all the male said, as he lazily bit into a carrot.

The crunching sound of the carrot echoed through the halls of the castle, as nothing more needed to be said. Jimenae were quite affectionate beings and held an appearance similar to a wood nymph. It was amazing that Diamond had managed to get away from them at all, but making several threats seemed to do the trick. Pushing that incident aside, the three still had twenty places to search. Heart plopped a piece of pineapple into his mouth and leaned back in his chair, wishing that you were in the castle and not in the clutches of some rainbow colored girl. Fade pulled her head from her hands before nibbling on a piece of fried calamari. Once finished with the small amount of food, Fade grabbed another piece and closed her eyes.

They all wanted to continue their search, but each was too exhausted from the endless traveling. Each hoped to find you on the first day, but no such luck occurred. Instead they were left to drown in their worry. Diamond's level of irritation had risen considerably while Heart would lock himself in his room, not wanting to see your form absent from the room they shared with you. Fade on the other hand carried herself quite well except for the exhaustion, but she had faith that you could take care of yourself unlike the two men who sat beside her. She found it amusing how they were still like their adolescent selves; always viewing others as helpless beings while they thought themselves the cleverest and strongest in the world. Frankly, Fade doubted that they would ever have another mindset.

Both brothers grabbed a plate of food before getting up and heading to their rooms. Fade watched as they left before letting out a soft sigh. She figured that they wouldn't find you so quickly, especially with Tipora as your captor. Fade had only met the elite soldier a couple of times; one of those times was recent. Ten years back she came across the rainbow girl near the Salug River. Tipora had been playing in the water, apparently searching for rainbow rocks at the bottom of the stream. It was strange to see the girl there, since she was rumored to always be near the King of Clovers. When Fade approached the girl, she was quick to attack, but Fade luckily dodged in time. It took some time for the girl to recognize Fade, but when she did remember, she was open to talking with Fade. In this conversation, Fade learned that Tipora was quite quiet and would really only answer questions pertaining to how wonderful her master was. Despite the fact that Fade gained few words from the girl, she could tell that Tipora was perceptive and an excellent performer at her assigned tasks.

Thus the girl would never let her master down, which would mean that finding you would prove difficult. If only Fade found the Queen of Diamonds. That woman would be a strong asset in preventing the King of Clovers's plan, yet Fade couldn't figure where she disappeared to. Then again she was always vanishing and leaving her home for extended amounts of time. Keeping this in mind, Fade would just have to continue her search in the morning, for she was too tired at the moment. A good night's rest would only benefit her search tomorrow.   

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