A Sol Animal

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  Six pairs of eyes watched from the golden grass, watching the three travelers with intrigue. Eyes of purple, red, blue, yellow and orange looked over the figures while similar hues crossed their bodies. They had never seen people before, or rather had not seen them for some time. The last memory they had of a person was vague and faded, for the animals didn't age and were centuries old. Only a shadow of a person lay in the back of their minds. Whispering among themselves, the three creatures decided they should sneak up on the unsuspecting wanderers.

One step, then two and then multiple occurred as the three made their way over to the three taller beings. Colors swirling across their bodies, they pushed the grass aside. Their tiny back paws held them upright while their front paws hung at their sides. Quiet giggles left their mouths, as they plotted their surprise. The two kings and the queen never saw them coming, which only benefited them more. Only another few moments passed before they reached their targets. At once they leaped forward and gripped at their legs.

This contact caused Fade and the brothers to fall forward. Cursing, Heart rolled onto his back to see what had happened while Fade and Diamond followed in suit. Staring at his legs, he saw a miniature teddy bear painted in the colors of the sunset hugging him. Not knowing what this creature was, he went to grab his saber, but the bear jumped onto his chest, its eyes glowing with childlike curiosity.

"Hello mister," it chimed with a high-pitched voice.

Utterly confused, Heart glanced over at his brother and Fade, seeing if they had knowledge on this creature. Diamond looked just as bewildered while Fade drew the bear closer to her. Sitting up, she set the bear on her lap and stared down at it before petting its head. The animal smiled in delight before giggling lightly. Still puzzled, the twins sat up as well while the bears crawled onto their laps.

"Fade, do you mind telling us what these things are?" Diamond questioned while the bear on his lap rocked back and forth.

"They're called sol bears and only come out at sunset. Their pelts reflect the hues of the sunset. Furthermore, their extremely affectionate creatures, as I'm sure you already figured out" she stated while continuing to pet the bear.

Exchanging a glance between themselves, the brothers shrugged their shoulders before standing up. Hanging onto their coats, the bears climbed up them until they sat on their shoulders. The animals didn't want to lose their human company, since it had been so long since they last had some. As for the bear on Fade, its gaze remained fixed on her, slowly beginning to find the girl familiar.

"You were here before with another," the animal chimed happily.

Fade nodded her head slowly before she hovered in the air once more. She still couldn't remember the face of the companion that was with her once, nor could she recall their name. The memory of the time was covered in the setting sun's light. Such light seemed to block the image of the person from her mind, though she could see the smile on their face. That calm smile, which always reassured her and cured her anxieties. Why was she not able to picture her friend, the friend that brought her out of the shadows? Seeing the girl's sadness, the bear now resting on her shoulder nuzzled into her neck to give her comfort. Smiling lightly at the animal's action, Fade glanced over at the brothers to see them currently struggling with the bears on their shoulders.

The female bear on Diamond's shoulder kept tugging at his hair, admiring the color. Much to the male's displeasure, the bear was being a little too affectionate. His facial expression caused Fade to chuckle lightly, allowing her to push back those past memories. Not finding any amusement in the situation, the red-headed male tried to remove the bear from him, as it nuzzled into his cheek. This bear didn't want to let him go, for it loved his hair color, since it reminded her of the beautiful sunset.

On Heart's end, the bear found its way onto his head and was playing peek-a-boo. This action became annoying after the fifth time of it occurring due to the constant giggling of the creature. Moreover, it limited Heart's ability to see, since every five seconds he would have his eyes covered by the multicolored paws of the bear. Regardless, he wouldn't let the bear slow him down and his search for you. Thus he continued forward despite his vision being constantly impaired. It was a miracle that he didn't trip, but then again Diamond guided his brother across the grass.

Thankful that she had the best behaved bear, Fade hovered behind the twins, allowing the bear to rest on her left shoulder. She found the creatures both adorable and beautiful. Their pelts constantly changed in color due to the setting sun in the sky. At the moment the sun caused the sky to transition from a light blue to a golden yellow. With such lighting, the fields sparkled, making the bears seem all the more colorful.

A collective yawn soon escaped the bears' mouths ten minutes later, as the sun sank lower to the ground. Their fur darkened and slowly they descended from their human companions. Both brothers were glad to be rid of them while Fade waved at the little creature. They all bowed before running back into the grass and disappearing, for they slept for most of the day.

"Thank goodness they're gone," mumbled Diamond, who was currently trying to fix his hair, which was ruffled horribly at the moment.

His twin merely cast a quick gaze at his red-headed brother before bursting into laughter. At the current moment his hair was spiked in multiple directions and appeared as though he had been electrocuted.

"What did that bear do to you?" Heart choked out between fits of laughter.

"Frankly, I don't know. I just want it back to normal. Does it truly look that terrible?"

Both Fade and Heart nodded, making Diamond sigh. He was never going to let that bear come near him again. Removing his pack from its resting place, he pulled a mirror from it and held it up to his hair. Seeing the damage done, his face paled and a quiet gasp left his lips. He was rather grateful you weren't with them at the moment. Muttering curses, he narrowed his eyes before setting the mirror back into his backpack.

Diamond valued his appearance greatly. Thus with his hair in such a state, he was absolutely horrified. Never did he want to look like his childhood self again, messy and covered in dirt. He was beyond that part of his life. Quickly, he asked Fade if there was a stream nearby. She nodded and pointed in the direction. Hearing this information, he stormed off, desiring to return his appearance back to normal. Besides it had been three days since he last took a bath or shower and he decided this would be a perfect time as well. Before he got too far from his brother and Fade, he announced his decision. Fade took the hint and went in the other direction, going to set up camp for the evening. Heart went with Fade, knowing his brother would want privacy.

Fifteen minutes passed before a frustrated growl went across the fields and Heart heard his name being called. Chuckling to himself, he left Fade to watch the camp while he bit into a green apple. Reaching his brother, Heart found his twin sitting by the stream and patting water on his head while only black pants covered his person. Taking another bite of the fruit in his hand, he crouched in front of his twin, who looked at him irritated.

"Heart, please tell me that you have a comb in your pack."

"Hmm, I think I do, though I'll have to go grab it, though I would recommend putting your shirt on first beforehand. It will just mess up your hair if you put it on afterwards".

"Yes, yes I know," Diamond mumbled, waving his brother off.

After retrieving his pack, Heart returned to Diamond and removed his comb before handing it to his twin. The male now with a simple red peasant shirt on took the comb, finally being able to manage his hair. Holding the mirror back up, he observed himself, feeling satisfied, however something was missing on his face; he of course would attend to it though.

"Thank you, Heart. Are you going to clean yourself up as well?"

"Yeah, though first there's something else I need to do," he said before throwing his apple core to the side.

Unexpectedly, Heart knelt in front of Diamond before pulling his pack over to him. Taking out a blue case, he unlatched it, revealing several jars of paint. Twisting the lid on one of the jars off, he grabbed a paintbrush and dipped it into the red paint. Carefully, he rested his left hand on his brother's cheek, making Diamond face him. Bringing the brush upwards, he began to design a red a diamond over his brother's left eye.

"You know, I can do that myself brother."

"You could, but you know I'm a better painter between the two of us, so remain still."

Complying, Diamond allowed his brother to continue. The cool paint felt nice on his face and for the brief moment that he had it off, he missed it. Having an unmarked face seemed strange to the red-headed male, for the masking details caused him to look different from his past appearance. It distinguished him from his weak child self and surely his brother felt the same.

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