A Strike to the Underground

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   Due to the door's slow opening mechanism, the tiny glowing yellow creatures had finally reached the two of you. Rollta removed one of his miscellaneous objects from his pockets, unveiling a silver and gold pen. Before you could even question him about his weapon choice, he clicked the writing utensil. Like you were expecting, the tip of the pen became visible. He shook his head, obviously displeased by the result. Meanwhile, you were more concerned with the tiny creatures that were now inches from your ankles. Walking backwards, you tried to create some distance, but your effort proved useless. Hearing another clicking sound, you glanced over to see a blade coming out of the other side of the pen. Within a moment's notice, Rollta released his grip on your left wrist and crouched. Swinging the miniature blade across the sea of the electrical creatures, you saw them burst into thousands of sparks, which floated back up into the storm clouds.

While he was dealing with the creatures, you stepped closer to the opening in the ground, seeing it now fully opened. Letting out a breath of relief, you neared the entrance, but felt a sudden pain erupting through your right leg. One of the lightning creatures had maneuvered around Rollta's attacks and struck you in your ankle. Rollta quickly dispatched the being while Tipora kept you from falling to the grass covered earth. No scream was emitted from your lips, but you were shaking violently while tears poured down your face and dripped onto the ground beneath you.

Tipora led you inside the opening and carefully took you down a flight of stairs. You had only been hit by one of them, yet the pain coursing through your body was unbearable. Not wanting to imagine what multiple hits would have felt like, you focused on getting your limbs to stop their uncontrollable movements. Rollta followed after you two and closed the door before any of the lightning beings could get inside. With the door closed the stairs were cast into darkness. This lack of light didn't last long, for red and orange light fixtures sparked to life. Glad to see your surroundings, you peered ahead, trying to see what lay at the bottom of the stairs. Not being able to see anything yet, you continued down the stairs. Your body still shook, but with less violent motions, while tears still cascaded down your cheeks. Thus you still required the aid of Tipora, who allowed you to rest your right arm over her shoulder.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, you saw beige stone walls, which were illuminated by more of the red and orange light fixtures. This cast a warm glow across the room before you. It appeared to be the kitchen and living room of the underground structure. Stormy grey couches in the far-right corner of the room rested on the mahogany floors. Yellow gold pillows sat on top of the plush furniture while a square mahogany table was placed in between the three couches. A stone fireplace was on the right side of the room as well. Pewter bowls filled with decorative crystal spheres were atop the wooden mantel. To the left side of the room were the kitchen appliances. Three red and orange lights in the shapes of cones hung from the wooden beamed ceiling over a kitchen island that had a grey granite countertop.

As you examined the furniture in the room, Tipora took you over to one of the couches before you removed your arm from her shoulders and sat on the middle couch. Leaning back into the plush cushions, you closed your eyes, allowing your body to relax. The shaking had finally stopped and you were greatly relieved by that. Tipora now seeing you situated headed for a mahogany door next to the kitchen. She opened it and closed it after her, leaving you with Rollta. Personally, you would have preferred her silent company rather than that of the male. Not opening your eyes, you could hear the man walking over to where you were seated. Feeling fingers move back a strand of your (h/c) hair, you reached out with your left hand and grabbed his hand. Opening your eyes, you glared at the man, who merely smiled back at you innocently. His hand remained in your grip only a few inches from your face. With them so near in your field of vision, you noticed the miniscule markings on the tips of his fingers. To your disappointment, you couldn't determine what the symbols were, but he soon wrenched his hand from your grip.

You watched suspiciously, as he took a seat next to you, causing you to scoot away from him on the couch somewhat. Resting his left arm on the back of the couch, he turned to face you while placing his left leg on the couch cushions. Using his left knuckles, he placed his head on them, providing a convenient headrest. Crisscrossing your legs on the grey cushions, you crossed your arms and kept a watchful gaze on him. What did he want and why was he just staring at you? It was unnerving and it annoyed you greatly. Deciding you could take his gaze no longer, you focused your eyes on your feet. In the light of the wall fixtures, you finally noticed the full damage that the lightning creature caused. On your right ankle was a horrendous looking burn mark that stretched up the bottom part of your leg. Your hands gripped your arms at the seeing the wound. It obviously needed to be treated immediately.

"Quite a nasty bite you received from the strike-nigh," the male beside you stated with a smirk plastered on his facial features.

"Yeah, I know, so wipe that stupid look off of your face and do something useful with yourself".

"Oh, if I remember correctly I protected you from the multitude of the strike-nigh. I think a 'thank you' is in order and then maybe I'll consider treating your wound".

"Why should I thank one of my kidnappers? If you two hadn't brought me into those fields, I would be fine and currently enjoying the comfort of some tea".

"Is that so? I think you forgot to mention that you would have two twins breathing down your neck and disrespecting your personal space".

"Tch, ... how did you know I lived with them? I don't remember Tipora ever mentioning that detail to you".

"Please those marks at the base of your neck could only mean that you know the twins".

Hearing this, you brought your right fingers up to the base of your neck and traced them over the area, filling some cuts you received a few weeks back. You turned your head the other way in embarrassment, since your fingers outlined the miniature heart and diamond symbols that lay in your skin. Fourteen nights ago, you had the displeasure of amusing the twins. They deemed it necessary that you have new marks on you despite the fact that you wore a necklace for them during the day. Pulling your pajama shirt up higher, so that marks would be covered, you looked back at Rollta.

"Whatever, and how are you not invading my personal space?".

"Simple, I'm not pulling you over to me and forcing myself onto you. In your current condition I could easily take advantage of you, yet I'm not doing this. Take this into consideration, _____".

"And how can I trust that you won't try to take advantage of me later?".

"You don't, but for the moment I think there is a more important matter at hand, your injury. It needs to be treated".

"Well, I'm not thanking you. Tipora and you got me into this mess".

"Such a stubborn girl, though I'm not letting you win, for I'm stubborn as well. Look, Tipora and I have orders from our master to bring you to him. We can't disobey them, for we are bounded to our master. He saved our lives in exchange for complete compliance with his wishes, however we were merely told to bring you back alive. I could have let you experience more shocks from the strike-nigh, five more to be exact, yet I didn't. You have no idea how much pain I can cause you Queen of Clovers while we're on this little trip together, especially since you are defenseless at the moment".

He did have a point. You were defenseless and at the moment you had a wound that was quickly becoming painful. If it didn't get treated quickly, who knows what the permanent damage would be. Something was bothering you though, why had Rollta's personality changed? Back outside, he was creepily cheerful; however he had a completely different personality now. There was at first a smile and then a smirk on his face, but they had a dark undertone. Furthermore, he bore only a serious expression now. Why the sudden change? Not understanding this man's personality, you sucked back your pride and went with your desire to have your wound healed.

"Fine, thank you for keeping most of the strike-nigh away from me," you muttered with a heavy glare on your face.

"You're welcome," he responded before getting off of the couch and heading over to the kitchen.

Following his movement with your (e/c) eyes, you saw him open one of the cupboards before pulling out a medical kit. He came back over and set it on the table. Kneeling in front of you, he signaled for you to give him your right leg, so he could treat the injury. Reluctantly, you uncrossed your legs, letting them lay out over the edge of the couch. When you finished lifting the right pant leg up, you leaned back into the couch. After unlocking the medical kit, he pulled out a clear bottle that held a dark blue liquid inside. Pulling the stopper out and placing it on the tabletop, he permitted a few drops of the liquid to fall into the palm of his right hand. Setting the bottle back on the table, he rubbed his hands together. Resting them on your wound, you felt a cold sensation travel up your leg. Goosebumps formed on your arms and instinctively you rubbed your hands over the shivering skin.

"What exactly is that?".

"The oils from the berin and heljin flowers, they're both known for soothing burns".

Merely making a quiet noise in response, you let him tend to your wound.  

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