Miniature Diamond

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  You just stared at the small purple-haired girl before you. Personally, you only remember Fade mentioning the current Queen of Diamonds to you. Apparently, the woman always seemed to be absent when one went looking for her, yet here was her daughter before you. Normally, you would've questioned such a claim, but with the guardian confirming it, you had trouble denying it, for the guardian displayed no deception in her purple gaze.

"I know this must be interesting news to you, Queen of Clovers, but my mother awaits and you can act shocked on the way there. I'd rather not stand around here, so please let's go," she said, tugging at your right hand with her two petite hands.

"Wait, but why does she want to see me?" you questioned, keeping your ground and not letting her take you anywhere.

"Because she has information for you about the one who wants you, the one who sent the elites after you, the King of Clovers."

So that was the name of your captor. From the little knowledge you had on the man, you just knew that he was an individual not to take lightly. Apparently, though over the past several centuries he had become quite troubled due to some incident that you didn't have the details on. Whatever occurred back then obviously caused the man to go somewhat insane, which would explain his strong obsession with ruling over the world now that Chroma was gone.

Turning your gaze to the guardian, you saw her nod her head, indicating for you to go with the child. Seeing that the child wanted to go in the southern direction, you figured you might as well follow her; you had to travel that way regardless. Moreover, since the guardian was giving her approval, you thought the girl meant no harm. Of course, you didn't completely trust the large cat, but after that fight of yours, she had given you no reason to believe that she would put you in harm's way.

"Alright take me to your mother, though you never gave me your name."

"Forgive my impoliteness Queen of Clovers; I'm just so excited to take you to my mother. My name is Geela, pleased to make your acquaintance," she spoke before performing a curtsy.

It was hard not to smile at her formal introduction and so you bowed your head a little before mentioning, "Please just call me, ____."

A grin spread across her face, obviously happy that you gave her the approval to call you by your first name. Now wrapping her left fingers around your right hand, she started going off into the surrounding trees. The guardian came as well, stating that she would see you off. Your walk with the lioness and the girl remained rather silent, for neither seemed to desire conversation. Geela was merely skipping along while her hand clutched around yours, too enthusiastic about meeting you. As for the feline, she was listening for any threatening sounds while enjoying the happy behavior of Queen of Diamonds's daughter.

When at last the three of you arrived at the assumed destination, you scanned the surroundings to find yourself next to the river. Its rushing water gleamed under the light of the full moon while the fish's scales shimmered in the light. They almost appeared to be shooting stars under the clear flowing water. Beside the river bank rested a small boat where a purple paper crane and black plush blanket remained inside the structure. An oak paddle painted in grey leaned against the grey boat.

Stopping behind Geela and you, the guardian announced, "Well I trust you will take good care of her Geela, for I will be heading back. It was wonderful meeting you, _____, Queen of Clovers and last surviving Ace."

Her long white tail moved to the front of her before it wrapped itself around your right hand and shook it gently. You smiled gently at the lioness before shaking back. After the farewell gesture, the feline removed her tail and went into the trees, leaving you with the child. Once the feline disappeared completely, you turned to the small girl before she signaled for you to go into the boat with her.

Soon the two of you were in the device and going down the river. You offered to row, but Geela gave you a childish grin and shook her head. It wasn't until you noticed the paddle moving on its own that you understood the reason for that smile. Leaning back into the boat, you stared up at the moon and awaited eagerly your visit with the Queen of Diamonds.


Five days had already passed with Balthier accompanying them, much to Rollta's displeasure. The man always seemed to be watching him. His red gaze was unnerving, but Rollta had to maintain his common act; he couldn't let his trickery become known. To be honest, he didn't want to die. He wanted to utilize the freedom he discovered and do something meaningful with his life. No longer was he satisfied with just following orders given by the King of Clovers. That man couldn't dictate his movement anymore, but Rollta knew that the King of Clovers wasn't always an obsessed man.

Apparently, he was gracious and a marvelous ruler; he still was in some ways. He still treated his people with respect, however if anyone disobeyed him they would dearly regret it. At one point he would forgive the individual, but now that forgiveness had vanished. It was wiped away the day he was betrayed and lost the thing most precious to him.

Wondering what the king was like beforehand distracted Rollta from the constant watchfulness of Balthier, though he couldn't let his thoughts spoil his act. Thus he kept teasing Tipora with perverted jokes and even a couple of times made Balthier laugh heartily. Occasionally, he would juggle various items before purposely letting one fall and hit Tipora. She about had enough and was ready to send her umbrella down upon the male, yet Balthier intervened.

He slapped the girl hard on the back before cheerily exclaiming, "Come now Tipora, have a little laugh. It's a pity we don't have some refreshments to make you more cheery."

Slapping his large hand away, she responded, "We have no time for your refreshments, we have the Queen of Clovers to find."

Letting out a long sigh, he merely shrugged his shoulders before catching sight of another arch. From that vantage point, Balthier could see out across the rest of the canyon in this direction. He could determine whether you were walking down this path, for there were no hiding spots past that arch. Many times he had walked this terrain and he knew that no small caves or holes in the rocks were present. One couldn't climb the walls beyond that arch due to their smooth nature. If one attempted such an action they would fall back to the floor many times over.

Allowing a large grin to spread across his face, he proclaimed, "Well Tipora, I think I just discovered how we can make our search faster. That arch up there will give me a perfect view."

Tipora followed where he was gazing and noticed the rock formation. Her companion could indeed see the rest of the canyon from that vantage point, for his sight was superb; it had to be since he was an archer. If Valinquinia were to ever be attacked, he would be expected to see the enemy if they were still several days away.

Rollta looked upwards as well and his face nearly paled, but he kept his smirk. There would be no delay anymore; soon they would know that you hadn't traveled this way. He couldn't stop them, or he would cause suspicion. Besides knowing Balthier, he wouldn't listen, especially if Tipora supported him on the decision. He wanted to grab the man and pull him back; he desired to attack his companions. Where would that get him though? They would understand that he betrayed them and no doubt one of them would take him back to the King of Clovers. The king would show no mercy and Rollta would suffer a horrible fate.

Clenching his fists, he watched as Balthier went over to the left wall of the canyon. Some rocks jutted out here and there, providing the perfect steps for the tall man. Rollta hoped that he would fall and be stopped. He didn't wish for the man to die, but he did wish for him to be halted. While worry coursed through his mind, a smile plastered itself across his face. Neither would suspect anything with that expression painted on him.

Minutes passed before Balthier reached the top of the rocks and made his way over to the arch. His form appeared minuscule atop the curved rock, but the bow and quiver stocked with arrows allowed viewers to know that he was still deadly. His back turned to the two; he glanced out over the green floor of the canyon. Seconds ticked by before he looked back at his companions.

"Bad news, she isn't down this way. She must have made a lucky guess and went in the other direction," he called out from atop the arch, permitting his voice to echo across the canyon.

Due to this effect several others heard the loud voice of Balthier. Diamond and Heart glanced at each other and now had their answer as to where you were and where your captor was, though now it appeared that there were multiple captors. They were able to hear Balthier's message perfectly. Heart smirked while Diamond smiled, since they now learned that you had escaped and were hopefully safe at the moment. Both were about to go after your captors and make them pay, but Fade pulled them back.

"We have other company to deal with at the moment."  

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