So many things

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  Total silence filled the air after your statement left your lips, yet this quiet didn't last long. Instead a flurry of sounds seemed to fill your ears and your mind couldn't wrap itself around any of it. The brothers could never respond, but were cut off by the giggling of Geela, leaving them to only bear strange expressions. Diamond had some weird half-smile that was almost turning into a round like shape while Heart appeared he was going to have a heart attack. What kind of response were they expecting, apparently something completely different from what you said.

Moreover, before they could relate any of their history to you, Clarencia and Geela came over to where you three were sitting and announced that it was dinner. Geela proceeded to tug on you until you were standing before dragging you back inside. You were quite annoyed by this outcome, since you would now have to wait longer for the brothers to tell you their past. The only positive outcome of this was that you met up with Fade, who assured you that she was better and had recovered from her previous mental breakdown. Her facial expression turned to one of complete shock though, when she saw the brothers enter with no face paint on. They didn't notice her expression though, for they kept their gazes on you, obviously annoyed by the interruption as well. Both brothers sat across from you, since you were currently sitting next to Fade, who was to your left. Geela sat next to her mother at the head of the table.

There was an awkward air in the room and Geela's quiet giggling didn't make anything better. She obviously found your relationship with the brothers amusing. Fade kept glancing between the brothers and you, wondering what had happened and why they had their face paint off. Figuring you might as well sate her curiosity, you whispered to her a basic summary of what had just occurred between them and you. This whispering would've been extremely noticeable had the servers not come out. Thankfully, their presence and the food on the platters had distracted the attention of Clarencia, Geela and the brothers for a short time.

When you had finished narrating the events that had previously happened, she nodded and gave you a sympathetic look. Just letting a light sigh escape your lips, you saw the pale purple rabbit waiters exit the room, since all of the food had been set on the table. Platters of salad, soup, bread and chicken were spread out on the white wooden table, which had a light pink floral tablecloth. White china plates lay out in front of each of you while crystal silverware rested next to the plates. Cloth napkins with silver embroidery lay under the utensils. Lastly, silver goblets filled with sparkling water accompanied the food.

Dinner continued into the early night with silence with the exception of a short conversation here and there. These conversations occurred just between the other females and you. Diamond and Heart remained quiet, keeping an almost hawk-like watch on you. It was slightly unnerving. At one point your eyes caught Heart's and he only smirked at you while his right cheek rested against the palm of his right hand. Later on, you met Diamond's gaze and he gave you his signature smile. Behind their characteristic expressions, you had the feeling they had something planned after dinner. Of course, they still had to explain their past to you, but what would the consequences of your statement be?

Before you could think anymore on the matter, Clarencia announced, "Tomorrow, I expect that all of you will want to discuss plans for infiltrating Valinquinia and stopping Umelius".

"Yes, I was hoping we could do that," you responded, taking the last bite of your dinner.

"Good, will you all head out then tomorrow morning after you have discussed plans, or would you like to stay another evening?"

Fade with her fists clenched answered before you could, "I think we should leave as soon as possible. I was remembering how my mentor treated me and the acts she performed while she was alive; she wouldn't want what Umelius is trying to achieve. I know she wouldn't want all the kings and queens to be killed. Thus as more time passes, the more tainted Umelius will become.

"My mentor gave me her title, trusting I would bear it with honor, yet all this time I have refrained from utilizing my queen's weapon, thinking I was unworthy of it; I was afraid of it, that I would bring shame to her title. Now though, I realized I need to wear it with pride and save Umelius before he corrupts himself beyond the point of no return."

"I agree, the sooner we leave the better," you stated as well, giving Fade a small smile, which she returned.

"Wise choice, we shall discuss everything then during breakfast and then the four of you can head out," Clarencia mentioned before standing from her seat and bidding you all goodnight.

Geela followed after her mother, skipping along the way, until both of them disappeared from your field of vision. Fade easily noticed the impatience in the brothers' expressions and excused herself as well. She didn't want to leave you alone with the two unpredictable twins, but this was a matter she felt it best not to interfere in. With the Queen of Spades gone, you sat awkwardly in your chair, staring down at your hands which rested on your lap. You heard one of the brothers cough lightly, so as to get your attention.

Turning your gaze back on them, you gave them all of your attention, as they began to narrate their past. They spoke of their rough treatment in the circus that you visited a year ago; they told of their escape and how they had to steal food. Heart mentioned how Diamond had saved him on multiple occasions when they first started living on their own. Moreover, after a rough first year they managed to get accustomed to their way of life that was until they met Fade.

After discussing some details about their stay with Fade and how they left her, they moved onto their finding of the castle. When they had first discovered the castle, they found Woodlily living in shambles, but soon brought her to full health, earning her undying loyalty. Not too long after, they had found Aberrous injured in a nearby lake and took him into their home where he would serve as their cook.

Once they had recounted their battle with the manager and their victory, they stopped, since you pretty much knew the rest. They didn't need to go into detail about the girls they had tormented before you. Having gained this knowledge, you leaned back in your chair and gazed upwards. You were glad to finally learn more about the men, who had trapped you in their hold. At the moment however, you realized how tired you were. Your mind drifting to the beauty of sleep, you didn't hear the movement of the brothers' chairs. It wasn't too long before a hand rested on each of your arms. This contact caused your eyes to reopen and you found Heart on your left while Diamond was on your right side.

"You seem tired, Miss _____. How about we take you to one of the guest room?"

"Yes, it has been awhile since we've shared a room with you, my dear lady."

A light blush decorated your cheeks and before you could do anything, they had already lifted you out of your chair and were dragging you to the west wing of the castle. You tried to protest, but of course it did no good; it only tired you more. When the three of you reached one of the guest rooms, Heart opened the door, revealing a luxurious space.

Rich polished wood covered the floor while a pinkish-brown paint covered the walls, complimenting the crème colored ceiling nicely. A white and light pink armoire with gold floral designs and painted town scenes rested against the left wall. Crème colored chiffon curtains along with beige curtains draped over the paned windows. Hanging from the ceiling was a teardrop styled chandelier while a red carpet with a gold design was spread out over the floor. Against the curtains was a vanity decorated in the same fashion as the armoire. Furthermore, a screen colored in white and gold with pink fabric stood tall. As for the bed, it had an elaborate gold frame and the headboard had pink fabric over it. Plush white sheets lay over it, as a nightstand rested on either side of the bed, both in the color pattern of the vanity and armoire. To your right was another door, leading presumably to a bathroom. Two simple gold lamps illuminated the space.

Both brothers pushed you into the room before entering themselves and closing the door behind them. Not giving you any time to react, they walked towards you, causing you to back up. It wasn't long before you found yourself sitting on the bed and the twins standing over you.

"Now if I remember correctly, you found our faces breathtaking," Heart stated with a wide grin on his face.

His comment made you turn away from them and mutter some curses under your breath. It wasn't your fault that their faces without the paint caught you off guard. They were the ones who asked you to remove it in the first place.

"What of it?" you questioned, still not making eye contact.

"Well, I don't think we have ever received such a wonderful comment from you before, Miss ____."

"Don't let it get to your heads," you replied, still trying to keep up some sort of barricade to your feelings, but now it seemed it was in vain.

Heart smirked and Diamond smiled before they whispered in your ears, "You know you're quite spectacular too, and we look even more forward to playing with you in the near future".  

A Melodious Song (Yandere Twins x reader)Where stories live. Discover now