The Blue Diamond

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  Heart and Diamond stared at Fade expectantly, as the petite hovering girl twiddled her thumbs. She didn't want to part her lips to speak, but their gazes would not falter. Fade took the earring from Heart and held it above her head, letting the gem further sparkle in the sunlight. Her dual colored eyes gazed at the object, remembering the man who once owned it. An image of long dark blue hair tied into a high ponytail and calm brown eyes filled her memory. Dual swords rested on the man's back while elaborate clothes of gold, silver and black covered his figure of 6'3. Ximen was this man's name. This was the name of man who started a tragedy that could never repair what was lost.

With an expression bearing remorse and gravity, she muttered, "This piece of jewelry belonged to your father, Ximen."

Words weren't spoken for some time, as the brothers just stared at the girl before them. Both didn't know how to respond. They had never known who their father was. For three hundred and seventy years they had remained in the dark and yet their past mentor had known all along. Heart tried to process the information, but ended up collapsing to the floor. Sitting on the golden grass, his mouth hung open in utter shock. Diamond's eyes narrowed before he took the earring from Fade. He couldn't believe it, yet he saw no falsity in Fade's eyes; besides she wouldn't make up such information.

"Why did you never tell us?" the red-headed male questioned, tightening his grip around the item.

"Because I wanted to forget what happened in the past. He's connected to something that caused immense pain in the hearts of many. Your father dabbled with something that should've never been touched."

"What about our mother? Did you know her as well?" Heart asked, looking up at Fade with an unreadable expression.

"Yes, Yussia was your father's aid. They both dealt with dark magic."

Their mother was no better than their father. The couple never intended for such a calamity, but their pursuit for lost artifacts created a horrid chain of events. Fade forgave the couple, but she still wanted to forget them. Somehow she had managed despite being their children's teacher. Thinking back to that time, she recalled the woman's long flowing reddish-pink hair and different colored eyes; her right was reddish-orange and the left blue. Dresses of vibrant colored silks always went over her form while daggers adorned her waist. This woman was the definition of beauty and intrigue.

Diamond took a few steps back before turning his gaze to the running stream. What could his parents have possibly caused and what dark magic had they utilized? Were they killed because of this? Glancing at the earring, a flow of questions passed through his mind. He couldn't keep up with them. He had never been truly curious about his parents, but now that he held a possession of his father's, his curiosity spiked tenfold. His twin was no different with regards to state of mind. The blue-headed male cast his attention to the golden colored grass. What did his father and mother look like? Did their personalities mirror their actions, or was there more to the story? At the same time the twins stared back at Fade and she knew they wanted more information.

Getting on the floor and crossing her legs, she rested the palms of her hands on her knees and described the appearance of the couple. She mentioned how they acted and some of the memories she had of them. At the time, Fade was ten when she first met them. Yussia presented her with a plush doll as a greeting gift while Ximen had ruffled her hair. They had always been kind to her and were quite the pair. Ximen always came up with extravagant jokes that would send a whole room into laughter while Yussia would be his supporting cast in some of his performances.

There was the time that the previous King of Diamonds accidentally caused the chandelier to fall from the ceiling and light the roast duck on fire. Due to the impact of the chandelier, the duck while aflame flew across the dining room and into a suit of armor. Flames burst from the knight's mouth, as the metal statue fell over. When the flames finally were extinguished, everyone in the room broke out into laughter while Yussia fell out of her chair in amusement.

Such recollections covered the tainted memory and she never told of the incident. That information would remain sealed unless it was absolutely vital for her to reveal it. Unveiling that memory would open a range of images that she didn't want to witness. Her mind had sewn shut those pictures and she refused to take out the stitches. The brothers of course persisted and tried to get her to disclose the information, but she was adamant.

"Why won't you tell us?" Diamond asked, as he now sat on the ground as well.

"I won't be able to handle the memories, not at this time. Perhaps later I will tell you, though I can tell you of their punishment. You two have a right to know at least that information."

"Why, does it relate to their death?" Heart inquired.

"Yes, but it also relates to the states of your minds. After the issue was resolved, the magic that they released placed a curse on them. They would die a year after their first child was born, though since Yussia was pregnant with you two at the same time that rule changed a little, allowing both of you to be born. The second part of the curse was that their children would have an insatiable desire for entertainment to the extent that most would consider it an insane obsession.

"When I first discovered who you two were, I thought that the second part of the curse was just a falsity, but after you took revenge on the manager I knew that it was indeed true. I wanted to try and stop it from getting worse, but as you two know that failed. Thus your parents are responsible for your desire for amusement and blood."

Finally the brothers had the answer they were looking for. At last they knew why they had sought violent entertainment and had devised all of those games. Luckily, the worry for you had quelled their obsession somewhat, though how long would that last? How long would it be until they wanted to play a game? Then again they could devise one when they met with your captor Tipora. There was still another question that plagued Heart's mind though. Who was the past King of Hearts? If Diamond took over their father's position, then who did he replace? Voicing this curiosity to Fade, the girl glanced over at him and spoke.

"Ximen's brother, Zansin, was the previous King of Hearts. He had your father's brown eyes, but had short brown hair rather than long dark blue hair. His king's weapon was a long bow. He committed suicide after he learned of his brother's death, leaving the title to you. Zansin couldn't handle his brother's death, for he was always dependent on him. The man couldn't be too far from Ximen, otherwise he would experience panic attacks. These attacks were terrifying to witness, for no one but Ximen could do anything to stop them."

Hearing this, Heart became rather quiet. Learning that his uncle was of such a sensitive mind, troubled him, for he was expecting something else. Then again his own mind was in shambles. His thoughts couldn't help but wonder to you. Would you ever truly accept them? You had stayed with them, but they didn't give you much choice on that matter. If they released the restraints on you, would you stay? They held you dear, but did you feel the same? Never had you voiced such feelings. Instead, you seemed to constantly be repulsed by them. He wanted to know, yet he couldn't receive an answer for you were gone. Were you now enjoying your time away from them?

Seeing his brother curl up into a ball on the earth, Diamond motioned for Fade to continue forward. She didn't hesitate before going on ahead, leaving the red-headed male to comfort his brother. Grabbing his brother's right arm, Diamond pulled the blue-headed male to his feet. Giving him a reassuring gaze, he rested his hands on Heart's shoulders. Looking at his twin, Heart shook slightly, as though the new information and continuing questions were eating away at him.

"Brother, what if she doesn't want to see us again? What will we do? Is our search in vain; have we lost our Queen? I desire this information, yet I can't grasp it," the blue-headed male choked out.

"I know, Heart, but we can't let ourselves crumble. I wish to know the answers to those questions as well, but she is gone at the moment. Thus we need to get her back before we do lose her. Now let's think about the positives. We just learned who our parents were. Despite their supposed dark dealings, we finally have knowledge of them. Moreover, we also gained information on our uncle. Regardless of their flaws they were our family. Aren't you glad we now have that information?"

"I am, but what about our lovely, _____? We still don't have her."

"That's why we're going to get her back and ask her those questions. The King of Clovers won't succeed in his plans."

Nodding in response and calming himself down, Heart followed after his brother, as they continued walking in the Aureus Fields. Diamond was glad to know that he had soothed his brother, but if only he could take his own advice. On the outside he appeared collected, but on the inside he was in turmoil. His brother's questions troubled him, for he really desired to understand your feelings towards them. It irritated him that he couldn't attain the answer instantly. Then again would he ever hear a response from your lips?  

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