Night in the Haven

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  Chin resting in the palm of your left hand while your left elbow rested on your left knee, you watched as Rollta bandaged the wound. The oils from the berin and heljin flowers had worked their way into the burn and you no longer felt the pain from the injury. You were thankful for this, but you wish Rollta would finish the bandaging process. He was taking much too long for your liking. His long fingers wrapped the white cloth around your leg with care and precision, but you felt unnerved by those very digits. It wouldn't be a surprise if one could easily pierce your skin. Just thinking of such a thing sent a chill through your body and you instinctively pulled your leg back a little.

His mint green eyes glanced up at you before they turned their attention back to their work. You remembered the time when Diamond bandaged your legs after the attack of the manager. A light blush crept onto your cheeks and you looked the other way, so that Rollta couldn't see it. As Rollta continued his work, you couldn't help but compare the differences between both of the males' fingers. While Rollta had long fingers that felt extremely soft when they glided across your skin, they lacked the long-nails that would trace over the delicate organ in fine details. Rollta's fingers lacked the warmth and seemingly had no emotion in their touch; they were lifeless, yet they produced an effect that shot a jolt of coldness through your leg.

Feeling his hands on your left foot, you jumped a little before glaring down at him and giving him a questioning gaze as well. He merely pointed to the scratches on your foot, which were caused by having to walk across the ground with no shoes and socks on. Having the scratches treated would obviously be beneficial, so you merely nodded in understanding and allowed him to continue. After he finished your left foot, he moved onto your right foot.

When he announced that he was finished, you were relieved to know that you no longer had to suffer that freeze-like touch. He pulled away from you and grabbed the medical kit off of the table before heading back over to the kitchen. Not long after, you heard the cabinet door open and close, signaling that the item was back in its original place. Silence followed before the clanging sound of glass on glass reached your ears. Out of curiosity, you turned around to see the source of the new noise. In Rollta's left hand were two yellow mugs. You may have let him bandage your wound, but there was no way you were going to drink anything he made or poured for you.

Getting off of the couch, you went to walk over to the kitchen, but stopped when you realized how sore your feet were. Rollta may have treated the scratches, but your feet still protested against being walked on. Regardless of this, you pressed forward, since the desire to make your own drink outweighed your aching feet. Reaching the kitchen portion of the room, you leaned against the refrigerator, blocking Rollta from pulling anything out of it.

"You shouldn't be standing on your feet, _____. They need a break, especially after these past few days".

"I'll be fine, now can you hand me one of those mugs".

"You think I would drug your drink?".

"Just because you treated my wounds and didn't try anything doesn't mean I'm going to trust you. You even said yourself that you could do anything to me as long as you brought me back to your master alive".

Sighing, he handed you one of the mugs before signaling for you to move. With the yellow mug in your left hand, you moved aside and permitted him to open the appliance. Inside were various juices and milks. Seeing the chocolate milk, you reached around him and pulled the drink from the stainless steel box. Rollta didn't seem the least bit bothered by your action and retrieved a carton of strawberry lemonade for himself. After each of you poured your drinks, Rollta took both the milk and lemonade cartons. Once they were back in the refrigerator, he closed the door and took his mug back into his hands.

Sipping at your cold drink and leaning against the nearby countertop, you questioned, "So those marks on the tips of your fingers, what are they?".

Placing his mug on the counter after taking a sip, he held his right hand out with his palm up and spread his fingers, replying, "These, they're nothing much. They're just the marks of a healer. All those who practice in the art bear these distinct marks. Tell me, did you feel a strange coldness go through your body when I was tending to your wounds?".

"Yes, though it wasn't exactly comfortable".

"I've been told that before, but despite the uncomfortable feeling these marks produce when touching another's skin, they do help the wounds heal faster. Right now you still bear the marks of your injuries, but they'll be gone by tomorrow. If you so desire, I can even heal those marks on your neck".

Your left hand went up to the symbols carved into your skin by the brothers. Did you want them removed? If you had been asked this a few days prior, you would've greatly accepted the offer, but for some reason you now weren't too sure. It's not like they were really bothering you that much at the moment, so there was no reason to remove them, right? Something in the back of your mind told you to keep them.

"It's fine, I hardly even notice them," you responded, putting your mug back to your lips.

Rollta analyzed you carefully before shrugging in reply. As the chocolate milk ran down your throat, you noticed his gaze, but pushed it aside. Right now, you just needed to gather your thoughts. There was too much that had happened in the past few days. You weren't used to so much activity. Your body and mind had become accustomed to staying in the familiar rooms of the castle, yet now they were being introduced to a sudden rush of new scenery and physical wear. This had been the first time since you had walked a good distance, and you were exhausted. It was noticeable not only in your eyes, but in your posture as well. All your limbs wanted to sag to the floor.

Noticing your evident fatigue, Rollta took one finishing gulp of his lemonade before saying, "If you're tired I can show you to your room".

"Yeah, that would probably be best," you answered, setting your empty mug on the counter behind you.

Giving you another quick glance, he signaled for you to follow him. He led you through the door that Tipora had previously gone through, revealing a stone hallway that had several mahogany doors. Two doors were on the right side and two were on the left as well. At the end of the hall was another door. Rollta took you to the door at the end of the hall before turning the simple brown doorknob. On the other side of the door was a square room with stone walls and a mahogany beamed ceiling. A stone fireplace stood next to the door while some spare wood rested on top of the mantel. There was a chair and a bench with yellow gold cushions in the middle of the room. By the chair, a candelabrum was placed. Opposite the door was a queen-sized bed with yellow gold sheets and a grey canopy. In front of the bed was a white wool rug, as the red-orange light fixtures illuminated the room. Next to the fireplace rested a circular bathtub that had a wooden decoration on the outside as well as grey curtains that gave the user privacy. Hanging on the right hand wall was a tapestry, depicting a dual marriage in a vineyard. Underneath the tapestry was a mahogany chest.

"Hopefully, it's to your liking. I'll retrieve some spare clothes for you".

Before you could even answer, he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. You had no idea what to expect for clothes, since you doubted any of Tipora's clothes would fit you, though maybe you could use one of her dresses as a shirt. Going over to the bed, you laid your back on the sheets and spread your arms out. Your limbs wanted to melt into the soft fabric due to their fatigue. Legs draping over the edge of the bed, you stared up at the grey canopy. Its coloration reminded you of the storm outside and you wondered how long it would last. Would you have to camp out here for a few days? Not like you minded, especially after all those hours of walking barefoot.

When the door reopened, you lifted your head again to see Rollta carrying some clothes in his hands along with a pair of black flip-flops, which were probably a spare pair of his. He placed them on the bench before wishing you a goodnight and exiting the room. His personality change was really getting to you, but you thought it best not to question him about it yet. Thus with the door closed and Rollta gone, you went over to the clothes. Just as you expected there was one of Tipora's dresses. It was a plain pastel pink v-neck dress. Accompanying it, were a pair of beige pants and a light blue belt, which you presumed to be Rollta's. Something in the pile surprised you though. Along with the other items of clothing was a pair of underwear in your size. Raising one of your eyebrows in confusion, you saw a small piece of paper fall out of the stack of clothes.Putting the clothes down, you picked it up reading:

Don't worry I've never worn these before and there's a built in bra in the dress, since I'm such a considerate person. You're welcome.

Well that answered you're question. After placing the note on the bench, you went over to the door and made sure to lock it. Once locked, you walked to the bathtub before stripping and stepping inside. Due to the design of the bathtub, you had to go inside first before turning on the water lest you spill water onto the floor when opening the small door to the bathtub. Thus allowing the water to fill the circular bath, you relaxed and rested your arms on the walls of the tub, though you remembered that the bandages were still on your leg. Quickly reaching down to take them off, you saw that the water was affecting them in no way or form, leading you to learn that they were conveniently water resistant. Glad to discover this, you allowed your body to get comfortable once again in the bathtub.  

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