Published Version!

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     A Melodious Song is now available in paperback and ebook formats on Amazon! I'll provide the links to both below. For the published version, the reader does have a name and appearance. Of course, it's the same as it is in the published version of A Dimensional Tune. The only difference being that her hair grew a little due to the time difference between the first and second books in the series. 

     Moreover, a few scenes have been rewritten to create a better flow for the story. Likewise, I feel that these changes portray the characters' development and personalities better. Edits to grammar and dialogue too have been made to improve the flow also. Otherwise, the overall plot of the story has remained unchanged. At the back of the book, like in the published version of ADT, there are magic and spell lists for the brothers' world. In addition, I have added a chart for the various cards' abilities to better explain their present and past roles in the world. 

     If you do purchase a copy, you have my utmost thanks and appreciation. If you don't, you still have my gratitude for reading and supporting the series. All of your reads, favorites and comments mean a lot, so thank you again. I wish you all well^-^!



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