Still no Sunlight

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  Two days had passed since the incident with the cloud creature. Unfortunately for you, you had to proceed onward with ink caked to your skin and clothes. There were small streams where you could attempt to wash it off of your skin, but fear of the creature returning prevented you from doing so. Thus you would have to wait until you left this valley. Hopefully, Tipora could remove the ink from your skin if there was no water around to do so. Then again would it even come off with just water? Probably, but it would take awhile due to the length that it remained on your body and hair. Rollta and Tipora were no better off than you. All of you were covered in the thick ink and resembled strange shadow creatures.

It would've been nice for the clouds to disappear, but the scenery was unchanging. On the other hand though, you could still hear the tune of a harp being played every now and then. Its musical qualities constantly haunting you and drawing you in, though you wished you weren't so entranced by it. Who was the individual behind the music? You were completely clueless on the matter and not even Rollta would ease your curiosity. Lacking the information, you turned your gaze over to Tipora's waist. The outline of your daggers remained there and they seemed to call out to you.

To feel them in your hands again would be magnificent. They belonged to you and always thrived with life when they touched your palms, yet they were now in the hold of another. Clenching your hands, you kicked at the grass, as you moved along. Rollta noticed your current irritation and followed your gaze to Tipora. It was easy to decipher what you were staring at, especially with that glare on your face. So you had finally located your queen's weapon. He would be lying if he stated that he didn't want to see you use it. When he laid his eyes on the weapon, he could easily see the power flowing through the daggers. Their purple color was mesmerizing.

"_____, tell me what was it like fighting Chroma?" Rollta questioned, wanting to picture you fighting.

You glanced over at the male, wondering where the question came from. Did he notice you staring at your weapon? The answer was probably 'yes'. Crossing your arms and easing some of the tension in your hands, you recalled the fight you had with the sunhat girl.

"Annoying, she was incredibly arrogant and meddlesome. Her laughter never seemed to die and I still can remember the sound of it clearly. It echoes in my dreams sometimes. Even after a year, she still haunts me. That battle didn't end her existence, for as long as I still remember her, she will never die. The fight with her only ended her physical presence".

"I see, though can't you give more details about the actual combat? You merely described a sentence worth of detail before going on a tangent from my question."

"Why is that so important?" you asked, staring at the male with puzzlement.

Honestly, you couldn't remember what you did exactly. You just recalled holding your queen's weapon and blocking her attacks before sending her scythe out of her hands. The fight was actually brief; the longest part was when you were trapped in your mind with that teddy bear. Technically, that could be considered fighting her, though indirectly. Rollta however wanted details of the fight with her directly. Keeping your attention on him, you explained how the weapon felt natural in your hands and how you deflected the sunhat girl's attacks before disarming her. It only took about a minute to explain and you could see a slightly disappointed look on Rollta's face.

"Then again, Chroma's sister aided me beforehand and weakened her sister," you continued, knowing that without Fade's assistance you would've probably died.

Rollta stopped his movement abruptly and found himself staring at the ground before saying, "Her name is Fade, right?"

When he saw you nod in response, his eyes widened a bit. You worked with that girl and she helped you defeat Chroma? That seemed impossible due to the information he had heard from his master. The girl was known to be a traitor in the castle. His master had mentioned how she had betrayed the kingdom of Valinquinia and was only using her position to gain uncontrolled power. How could such a girl help you? Did you know of her treachery? She was probably just using you to gain more power again, which would explain her killing her own sister. Then again Chroma was disliked by everyone in the world, so maybe she just wanted to be rid her pest like sister.

"Do consider Fade to be a friend?"

"Of course, I trust her with my life," you responded, finding his current behavior odd.

A frown decorated Rollta's face. The girl must have corrupted your mind and forced you to her side. How could anyone who committed such an act be another's friend? Maybe the girl had changed over the years, but he doubted it. Rollta didn't know Fade personally, for she had left Valinquinia before he was born. He was born a hundred years after the incident that shook the kingdom. Everyone who lived through that time though was greatly affected by what happened. There was no soul that was left untouched. After hearing about what occurred, it was no wonder why Fade left the kingdom. Besides if she hadn't, his master would've killed her. Witnessing the male just standing in place with a far-off look in his mint green eyes, you waved your hand in front of him. His eyes looked at yours and he gave you a small smile.

"Sorry, I spaced out there," he muttered before walking forward.

He wouldn't mention Fade's betrayal to you, for he didn't want to cause you any pain at the moment. You were exhausted from the encounter with the cloud creature and he could tell that your patience was running on a thin line. Thus he kept his lips sealed and started to pester Tipora, wanting to distract himself. Not understanding his behavior, you merely shook your head and walked alongside them. Did he know Fade or something? It wouldn't surprise you, since you assumed her to be much older than you, though what had happened to cause Rollta to freeze up like that?

Pulling back your ink covered hair, you watched as the male teased the pastel-colored girl to no end. He told jokes, threw random objects at her before collecting them once more and continued with his perverted antics that drove both Tipora and you mad. Obviously, he wasn't worried about the creature in the clouds anymore, though he did refrain from throwing anything colored. This explained the grey bouncy balls that were tossed at Tipora's back every now and then. You had to admit that it was funny seeing the girl irritated. It was a wonder how she hadn't stabbed Rollta with her umbrella yet, or done anything against him. Probably some reason to do with her master.

When one of the bouncy balls rolled over to you, you picked it up and tossed it up and down in your hands. With a smirk forming on your face, you aimed and released the shot. Not a moment later, you hit an unsuspecting Rollta. You would've gone for Tipora, but she would most likely get back at you tenfold with that umbrella of hers. Thus the male feeling the impact against the back of his head halted his movement and turned to look at you. An expression of shock painted his face before a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Pulling another bouncy ball out of one of his pockets, he tossed it up into the air before pelting it at you. Dodging, you found yourself colliding with the ground, but before you face-planted, you threw your hands out in front of you. With the support of your hands, you saved your face before recovering yourself.

Tipora seeing the male's attention directed away from her began walking forward, ignoring you two. Picking up the now surrendered weapon, you ran towards the male before releasing your grip on the ball. It hit him smack in the face, causing you to clutch your sides in laughter. The sound resonated throughout the valley, for it was the first time you had laughed in awhile. Forgetting about the dangers for just a few moments, you let your amusement control you. Glancing upwards, you saw a red mark now forming on Rollta's nose. Chuckling even more, you ran forward, letting another ball miss your face. This man may be one of your captors, but this moment was too much fun. Right now, you would just enjoy the situation.

Similarly, Rollta was having a great time as well. He was glad to see you smiling despite the overarching scenario. Sending another ball through the air, he knew this one would hit you and it did. The ball collided with your back, causing you to fall forward. At this moment, Rollta was running forward rather fast and couldn't slow his pace. Thus he slid on the grass and fell as well. Hearing the collision, Tipora turned around and glanced at the two people now on the ground.

Rolling her eyes, she mumbled, "Idiots".

Muttering a few curses you went to pull yourself off of the ground, but found a weight on top of you. Turning your head ever so slightly, you saw the source of the weight. A light blush dashed across your cheeks before you turned around completely and pushed him off of you. He grunted before sitting up, as you stood up, brushing yourself off for no real reason.

"Sorry," he muttered, standing as well.

"It's fine, just watch where you're going," you replied before handing over the grey items to him.

Turning your back on him, you trailed after Tipora, since the fun had dissipated. Rollta's eyes followed after you before he let out a soft sigh. Combing his fingers through his bluish-white hair, he placed the objects back into his pockets. That was definitely an interesting occurrence ad he hoped for something like it to happen again.  

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