At Last

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   It was odd standing there and looking down on the King of Clovers, whose white bangs covered his brown eyes now. His arms lay limp by his sides and he appeared utterly defeated. A horrendous silence pierced the fields, as the Queen knelt next to her husband with her right hand over her mouth. Had she meant to cause that gust of wind, or was it an accident? Whatever the case, it had saved Umelius. If he had stepped forward just a little bit more, your sword would be through him now.

Umelius slowly brought his right hand up to his face and covered his unreadable expression with the palm of his hand. Just barely could you hear something escape his lips. It sounded like a person's name, but it was lost the moment it left his lips. Glancing over at the Queen, you saw the outlines of a soft smile. So then he understood that it was his wife then.

"My beautiful ..., are you here ...? Have you always been here, ...? I knew you were here, but why have you stopped me?" he muttered in an almost inaudible tone.

She looked up at you and signaled that you would have to tell him. Hopefully, he would now listen to you. Taking a deep breath and then exhaling, you gripped your sword tightly in your right hand and stared down at the male.

"Umelius, seeing that that you have stopped your advance, do you wish to end your plan? Have you come to your sense at last? I must have your word that this is over before I can leave."

"Why did she stop me? I thought she wanted revenge. Was I wrong?"

"I already told you, Umelius. She never wanted any of this; it was you who desired this course and only you. She sacrificed herself, so that you may live; she never wanted you to attack other kings and queens. She never blamed anyone for what happened to her, except for herself. She asked for your forgiveness because she probably saw the grief in your eyes before she died. Never did she blame you for anything; she just wants you to stop all of this."

"She's really here, isn't she? She's been watching me all this time, wishing for me to stop. Knowing her, she probably understood that if she tried to stop me earlier I wouldn't have listened, but only thought her telling me to go on with my plan. I had to see that there was a possibility of me failing. Beforehand, I only saw victory, but now I know that if I had continued I would be dead now. Once again, she has saved my life."

This was true; you merely brought him to the point where he could be saved, but the Queen was the one who truly saved him. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you knew that only she could keep her husband from dying. Keeping your stance, you glanced at the Queen before looking at Umelius once more.

"Are you surrendering? Do I have your promise that you will no longer attempt to kill any of the kings or queens? Will you promise to not lay a hand on any of us, or attempt to break our minds? Will you abandon this plan for eternity?"

"Yes, I see the error in my ways now. You have my promise to all of your questions. It's over and I accept defeat," he muttered quietly, still keeping the palm of his hand over his face.

You nodded in response and turned your sword back into the daggers before putting them away and looking over at the Queen. She nodded back at you with a gentle smile. It was time for you to leave this room, this castle and this city. Your job was done and you didn't need to hear anymore from Umelius. If you heard tears hit the some of the flowers, you pushed it aside and didn't look back. There was no need for you to see the man shed tears at knowing his wife was always present. Such was a moment belonging only to them and you wouldn't interrupt it.

There was no wind shield on the doors now; you were free to go. Thus you opened them and headed out to see the faces of your companions. You shut the doors behind you quickly and walked forward to the next ones in the room. Heart, Diamond and Fade hounded questions at you and you only shook your head; you were tired and would answer questions later.

"It's over; that's all there is to it. Let's just leave," you replied, as the vines vanished from the other doors in the room.

Hearing your tone, the three understood and became quiet with a little hesitation from the brothers. Fade cast them a glance, telling them that now was not the time. Upon opening the doors, you were surprised to see a familiar bluish-white haired male sitting outside them. As soon as he heard the doors open, he jumped up startled and turned to face that direction. His mint-green eyes widened before a soft smile took over.

"You know you're not supposed to be here," he stated before his gaze took a more serious turn and he continued, "Is he ...."

"No, he surrendered and has promised to abandon his plan," you responded, taking notice of the small gasps behind you.

"You didn't kill him, my dear lady? Why not?" Heart questioned, as he was utterly baffled.

"There was no need to, so leave it be Heart," you replied with a warning tone.

"If that is how you wish to leave it, then I'll respect that, Miss _____. I'm curious though to know who this man is. Am I correct in presuming that this is Rollta?"

"Yes, that is my name, but ____ let me thank you for not killing him. I may not have agreed with him, but still I owed him my life," Rollta spoke, eyeing the brothers slightly in case they tried something.

"There's no need to thank me, for I have a favor to ask of you. Will you help me one last time, my friend?"

A small smile painted his expression before he answered, "I could never reject an offer to help you. What is it you need of me?"

Ignoring the brothers' remarks in the background, you said, "Can you guide us out of the city and to the back wall? Going back through the dungeons is something I want to avoid. The guards will hopefully trust you, if you tell them that Umelius has changed plans."

"They will and yes I will be happy to take you out of this city. Follow me."

He turned and began going down the left hall. The brothers were skeptical about this, but once again you didn't pay attention to them. Fade seemed fine with it and she thanked you quietly, since she was glad that you didn't kill Umelius. She stated that he may have been cruel to her, but in the end she still respected him. In the end he was probably like a father to her despite his treatment of her now. You didn't know the memories she had with him, but it was unlikely that all of them were bad. Back when Umelius had called her 'insect' you could tell that there was some sorrow present in his eyes. At that time that occurred only an hour previously, he was obsessed with his goal and took his rage out on Fade. Granted it wasn't the right thing to do, but his mind was too focused on his plan for him to show kindness. If she were to go to him now, he would hopefully apologize.

Minutes passed, as guards occasionally stopped all of you and Rollta had to explain the situation. Luckily, they all just nodded and proceeded onward despite their questioning looks. One group of guards however would not back down. There was no deceit in Rollta's eyes, but they refused to believe that Umelius was letting you all go. It didn't take long for Rollta to create a diversion by throwing down a smoke bomb, as all of you quickly darted into the city. After a few minutes of weaving in and out of alleyways, the five of you were by the city gates. These guards thankfully weren't as stubborn as the last and they let you pass before the guards from before could stop you. Soon you were at the back of the city walls where the peach-colored birds awaited your return.

Having reached your destination, you turned to Rollta and uttered, "Thank you, though what do you intend to do now?"

"I need to go back to my king. He may kill me, but if he let you go then maybe he'll understand my choices. I just can't live in the city with such a secret. It needs to be settled and it's my choice. I may have betrayed him, but I want to keep aiding him. He will always be my king and I have to face the punishment for my actions."

"I understand. He's lucky to have an elite like you, Rollta," you replied, bearing a slightly sorrowful expression.

Of course, part of you wanted to stop him and tell him it was too dangerous, but it was his decision and you would respect it. Thus you permitted your lips to turn upwards slightly, so that a smile etched itself onto your face. Placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, you thanked him and wished him the best. A light blush tinted his cheeks while the brothers glared heatedly at him. He turned and walked back towards the entrance gates. Doing your best to push the worry in your mind away, you looked down at the pouch tied to your belt.

Taking it off, you opened the black velvet bag and found a circular gold amulet inside. It was simple and had no chain; it only had words etched into its surface. Written on it was a song that you had never heard of, but you were drawn to it nevertheless. Something told you that you needed to figure out the meaning of the song. You couldn't place what the feeling was, but you decided that you would discover the secret behind each lyric. Softly and quietly, you sang each line, as the melody formed itself with each word:

I walked the streams of Avaka, picking a piper and making a muse.
I ran the streets of Ganab, eating fruits and drinking honey.
I swam the oceans of Hanec, stopping mermaids and sailing waves.
I flew the skies of Rinned, blowing a whistle and turning wings.
I entered the depths of Kinete, slashing monsters and killing enemies.
I ascended the stairs of Jisef, reaching the throne and claiming the gold.
This is my treasure, this is my burden, and this is my home.

"That's the song Geela was singing," the brothers stated in unison, as they peered at the amulet along with Fade.

"Then that's we're going to. I must find out the meaning of this song," you replied, indicating to the birds that you were ready to go.

Only when you learned the meaning behind this song would you find complete peace.

A/N: Hey everyone, so this is the last chapter of the sequel, but there will be a third book; the link is down below. Regardless, thank you for reading and supporting my writing. Moreover, reading all of your comments has been quite enjoyable, and I look forward to more on my future works. They make the story all the more enjoyable to write. 

In other news, I will also be uploading another story at the same time as the third book, so hopefully you will all find that one enjoyable as well. Anyway, thank you again, and I wish you all a pleasant morning/afternoon/night^-^. 

Third Book in Series:

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