Last day of Searching

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  Today was the final and sixth day of the brothers and Fade searching for you. Fade could only imagine what had taken place in the Lindepia Woods a few days ago. Her eyes only saw the dried blood on Diamond's shirt and Heart's slightly red and puffy eyes. It was strange seeing the brothers' current condition. They had never been so attached to someone before and it was obvious that your lack of presence was affecting their well being. She could tell that they were losing hope in finding you before the evening. There were only a few places left to search. In fact just three places remained and she was exploring one of them while the brothers were scanning the other two.

Currently, she walked down a dirt path, which was surrounded by trees with purple-blue leaves that transitioned into a pink coloration. These leaves covered the ground below the standing dark blue trunks of the trees while others stuck to the branches like glue. Bushes containing the same color pattern rested on the forest floor as well. Leaves were swept up into the air, as Fade floated past them. Her cloak blew behind her while her different colored eyes examined the area for any sign of you. So far, she hadn't seen anything. There was absolutely no trace of you being here.

A cold breeze swept across the forest, blowing leaves everywhere. They danced circles around each other before cascading back down to the earth. Grey clouds covered the sky and a light rain soon started to fall. Pulling her hood up, she protected herself from the water. She didn't want to catch a cold, especially since your safety was at hand. If the King of Clovers attained you, then this world would be doomed. It had been over three hundred years since she had last seen the king, though through several informants she had kept an eye on him. It wasn't a surprise that he had grown power hungry after the incident that had occurred three hundred and eighty years ago. That single occurrence even caused Fade great pain. Personally, she desired to go back in time and change that event, but sadly she couldn't.

One leaf flew past Fade's face and her eyes followed it. She witnessed its flight into the air and its descent to the ground that was littered with the flecks of purple-blue and pink. Clenching her fists, she stared at the fallen leaf. No, she wouldn't allow it; she wouldn't let you fall into the hands of the King of Clovers. You were the first friend she had for awhile and she wouldn't let the king take that away from her.

Leaves crunched behind her, making her turn her attention to that direction. Standing on the path with her was one of the animals belonging to the forest. A stag with blue fur and horns stood before her. Its dark blue eyes watched her carefully. Returning the gaze, Fade slowly moved forward until she was floating right in front of the deer. Carefully, she placed her right hand on the front of the deer's face before moving her hand to the side of its face.

Normally, the animal would have darted off into the trees or charged, but Fade did oversee a forest of her own and was experienced with creatures far more threatening than this stag. After all her magic was centered on earth magic, which was only fitting for presiding over a forest. This permitted her the ability to have a closer relationship with the creatures of nature. Moreover, she could send bursts of energy from her hands, either to destroy a threat or to calm an individual. Looking into the eyes of the stag, she scanned for anything that would benefit her search. Seeing nothing, she let out a soft sigh before nodding to the male deer in thanks. It calmly walked back into the trees, leaving Fade alone on the path once more. The rain increased, as the sky grew darker. Sweet scents of berries filled the air when the water hit the leaves scattered across the ground, creating a peaceful atmosphere, yet the situation at hand was anything but relaxing. Soon she would have to head back to the castle empty handed, but maybe one of the brothers had found you, though something in the back of her mind told her otherwise.


Like she predicted, neither of the brothers had found you. Instead both brothers wore an unreadable expression on their faces when they arrived at the castle. All three of them were now sitting at the dining table, eating a light meal before they headed off later that evening. Heart lifted his soup spoon lifelessly while Diamond stirred the cream into his coffee with his finger, completely forgetting to use a spoon instead. Fade viewed her food as unappetizing, but forced it down her throat anyway. She would need the strength for the trip ahead. Time ticked by while Woodlily aided Aberrous in the kitchen, since both were preparing backpacks for the two kings and one queen. Due to the prohibition of transportation in the King of Clover's land, not even items like food or water could be transported; they had to be carried in, or found.

Both brothers didn't want to enter the territory, for they liked staying in their own. Not being able to transport would only slow their rescue of you. Besides they didn't personally know the King of Clovers, though they had heard various tales about the man. None of those stories mattered to them however; they only saw him as an old man, who was stealing their precious property. How could he be so foolish? No matter, they would get you back regardless of the obstacles presented before them.

Diamond finally took his finger out of the coffee before staring at it blankly and pushing it aside. Lazily, he licked his finger off before eating his soup. Eating in silence with his brother and Fade, he only thought of the long three weeks he would have to wait before he saw you. The clock in the dining room ticked away slowly, seeming to mock him. Glaring at the baked potato soup before him, he gulped it down. After finishing the food, he abruptly stood up and walked out of the room. He had to grab some spare clothes for the journey, besides packing would distract his mind. Heart, eating his entire meal, followed his brother and began to grab the items that he would need as well. Fade had already added all of her requirements into her pack already. Luckily, the bags had infinite storage space, which was rather convenient.

Having completed her own meal, she went into the kitchen to help Aberrous and Woodlily. When she entered the space, she only saw Aberrous loading the packs while Woodlily nibbled on a piece of steak. Her teeth dug into the fleshy substance with vigor. Despite the pixie's food obsession, Fade understood that she was worried as well. The little creature slept in your old room, snuggling into the sheets while tears fell down her face in her sleep. It was a sad sight to see, for the pixie was almost never sad. Why had you caused such an effect on all of them? Fade could only guess.

She remembered when she had wanted to kill you, so that her sister's plan would be foiled. How had she ever wanted a thing? It seemed impossible to think of now. Back then, she never expected to find friendship, yet in a few short days of knowing you, she had gained a friend. Your stubbornness towards the brothers made her laugh; your bravery to step into a situation that pointed all odds against you sparked her curiosity. Fade knew that she could trust you with her life, for you had trusted her with yours.

An hour had passed rather quickly, and the brothers soon joined her in the kitchen. Clothes and other necessities were in their arms before they dropped the items into their packs. Never had they traveled in such a way before. Even when they were little, they traveled just with the clothes on their backs, for thievery was best done when one could escape quickly. With the packs now filled, all three of them placed the items on their backs. Aberrous and Woodlily waved to them before the three transported themselves to the border of the King of Clover's territory.

Landing on the grassy earth of the Storm Plains, the three stared out ahead, hoping that maybe they would spot you, but unbeknownst to them, you were under the plains. You were currently safe from the strike-nigh while the creatures were still a potential threat to the brothers and Fade. Thunder resonated throughout the expanse of land and storm clouds rolled by overhead, yet these clouds were hard to see due to the land being cast in darkness. The night hours spared no mercy on the travelers, as lightning hit the ground nearby. On cue, the strike-nigh came hurdling towards the three.

Hordes of the little monsters were upon them in seconds, blocking them from the path ahead. Fade utilized some of her energy to halt the creatures, sending them back into the lightning from which they were born. Diamond and Heart unsheathed the sabers at their sides, starting to attack the small electric beings. Their king weapons were their primary offense, since the magic they had extended only so far. Aside from the weapons, they could transport and heal quicker than most. Furthermore, they could manipulate the space around them, meaning that they could create new rooms, or areas at will. The only downside to this was that they could only utilize this power within their own domain, which was shared with Fade's, much to their displeasure. Thus since their transportation ability was cut off, only their weapons and healing abilities remained.

Swinging the blades at the creatures, the tiny beings burst into sparks, floating back to their original source, however these were soon replaced by others. As long as the lightning continued, the creatures would keep appearing. Both brothers knew they needed a new strategy. Glancing at each other, they ran in the desired direction, forming a brief path. Fade, seeing this, followed after them while sending more strike-nigh up into the air, as she hovered over the sea of yellow. Energy escaping from her hands collided with their bodies.

Sparks flew off the metal blades of the brothers' sabers, as they continued to form a path. They were on the border of the Storm Plains, meaning that they should be exiting them within the next ten minutes or so. It would be easy to hold on for that long. Once they left the dangerous land, they could rest for the remainder of the evening before starting back up in the morning. Despite the fact that they wanted to take no breaks, they would need their energy for the long trip, especially since they weren't used to walking for many hours at a time. Thus a night' rest would do everyone good and even more so after fighting off an army of strike-nigh.     

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