View of the City

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  Diamond didn't wait a second longer; he needed to help his brother with his wounds. Of course they would heal quicker than if an average individual received them, but Heart's hands still needed to be wrapped in bandages. Thus his blade soon impacted the red glass spheres that were thrown at him. He could already tell that her aim was slightly off due to the marbles slipping a little in her fingers. Thin trickles of red had grown into miniature streams and the sound of her blood dripping onto the marble floor echoed in the large room. It acted as a countdown to one of the individual's downfalls. One drop, one second would pass and both of their fates would be closer to being determined.

One marble just missed his left cheek, as he deflected the other four and laid another blow on the girl. Colorful crimson seemed to dance across the air, as though an artist was slashing their paintbrush across the canvas and painting the autumn leaves red with a passionate vigor. Afendel let out a pain filled grunt before she involuntary grabbed her right arm, which caused her to carelessly drop the spheres from her right hand. Moreover, by now her right hand was covered in her own blood and when she attempted to recall the spheres they slipped from her fingers back onto the ground.

Her face became a pale blue, as the marbles also fell from her left hand; she could no longer hold onto them between her fingers. Diamond had to thank his brother for accomplishing most of the work. Approaching the girl, he gripped the saber's handle in his right hand and raised the blade a little. With few options left, Afendel grabbed two marbles, gripping one in each hand. Throwing them at Diamond, she watched them fly straight towards his heart. The impact would instantly kill him, but the red-headed male kept an untroubled expression on his face. His reddish-orange eyes narrowed and just the slightest of smiles could be seen on his lips. Afendel couldn't quite decide which was more terrifying; Heart, the one who openly acted crazy and sadistic, or Diamond, the twin who was calm and bore a strange smile.

The saber made contact with the two marbles, slicing them in two, for their speed had decreased tremendously over the course of the fight. Taking a step backward, she almost slipped on the now slick tile. On her next step, she did indeed fall. Colliding with the floor, she glanced upwards in terror at the male, who was coming closer with each step. Utilizing her hands, she pushed herself back until she hit one of the stone pillars on the left wall.

From Fade's perspective, she couldn't see Diamond's facial expression, but she was certain that she didn't want to witness it. Heart couldn't view it as well, but he was still chuckling from his battle. His mind was currently putting itself together and returning to its normal state. As for Afendel, she had full view of it and her red eyes were wide with fear. The man's face was painted with a twisted grin and his eyes seemed to glow with a sickening glee; he was ecstatic to put a blade in the girl's body. She brought her arms up over her face, as though that would protect her from her oncoming fate.

Both hands holding the hilt of the sword, the male drew the blade back before thrusting it into the girl's chest. Her eyes went even wider before she coughed up blood. Arms lying limp by her sides, her eyes grew dull and no longer had their glow of life. Pulling the blade out of her body, he crouched down in front of her fallen form. Having some respect for the dead, he sheathed the saber and extended out his right arm and hand. Placing his fingers over her eyes, he shut her eyelids before standing up once more. Finished with the battle, he turned around swiftly and went towards his brother. Fade hurried over to them, but still kept her distance. Diamond removed some bandages from his pack and began to wrap up his brother's hands. Two elites had fallen and there was still the possibility of encountering the other two, though apparently one of them had aided you in your escape. Thus maybe they only had one left to deal with.


At last the two of you had exited the dark passage. The Queen pointed to another stone for you to push in, causing the stones to move aside. You had to shield your (e/c) eyes from the bright light. Slowly, you removed your left arm from your eyes, as you felt your mouth open in surprise. Both of you were outside and staring out over the city of Valinquinia. To say the least, it wasn't what you imagined. Personally, you thought it would look dreary; you imagined an oppressed kingdom based on what you heard about Umelius and his plan to permanently eradicate kings and queen, except for his step-brother and himself.

Instead, your eyes gazed upon a bright city and you could hear citizens laughing jovially if you listened close enough. Below you lay a city decorated with intricate metalwork and turning cogs. The buildings themselves were of a grey hue and had metal roofing with embossed shingles. Alone these buildings would have appeared dull, but flowers of all colors littered window planters. Light silver cobblestone walkways were abundant and people were going from place to place. Some were buying goods while others were merely conversing.

Moreover, metal stairways led up onto metal platforms that overlooked the city. Rail cars went across the city, bringing passengers to the other end of the city. Several Ferris wheels were in the city and bore bright pale colors like pink, blue and yellow. Balloons flew up in the air, as trained mountain bluebirds came and brought the escaped balloons back to their owners. There were even individuals who allowed the colorful balloons to lift them into the air before the individuals let go of the balloons and performed magnificent flips. Of course, they landed safely on the ground and you knew that there must be some air magic involved.

"Beautiful isn't it?" the Queen questioned in a quiet voice.

You cast your gaze on her, as she closed the passage and turned to look out over the city. The glowing hood still prevented you from seeing her face, but you knew that even if you saw it, you would forget it within seconds. Still you could tell that she looked at the city with an undying love. She did rule over these people once and it was obvious that they still meant a lot to her. Furthermore when you glanced out over the city, you could tell that Umelius cared as well. It was just hard to believe that the man protected his people with devotion, but held such a dark plan in mind. Maybe that is why the Queen believed that you could save him; he was corrupted by his desire for revenge, but that corruption hadn't consumed him entirely.

"Yeah, but the atmosphere is so different inside the castle."

"I know, but it brings a smile to my face to see that the city is still how it was all those years ago. Thankfully, Umelius didn't take his anger out on the citizens. Are you ready to head back inside though, Queen of Clovers? I'd love to take you on a tour of the city, but at the moment there's more pressing issues."

"Yeah, let's go. I want to be done with all of this."

"That's understandable. Well then, let's head inside," the Queen responded, going towards a blue metal door that had a pale yellow crystal doorknob.

Opening the door for her, she hovered in first with you following after. Once you closed the door, you found yourself in a well-lit hallway that had an abundance of windows and bore marble flooring. The two of you walked for several minutes in the halls. On several occasions though, you had to hide in one of the rooms and wait for the Queen to announce to you that the coast was clear. Another few minutes passed and at last the Queen halted her movement. She signaled you to open the door she stopped in front of.

Going up to it, you turned the knob and peeked inside the room. No one was inside, only a dusty air greeted you along with the many books that covered the dark maple wood bookshelves. Large paned windows allowed streams of light into the seemingly abandoned library while stained glass lamps rested on the wooden study tables. Chandeliers decorated with stained glass flowers hung overhead. It was a beautiful space, but you couldn't understand why it appeared unused for several centuries. Entering the room, you closed the door behind you.

"Umelius forbids anyone from entering here, since this was one of my private retreats. Honestly, I wish he would let others use this space. It's sad seeing it in this condition," muttered the Queen, as she floated down one of the aisles of bookshelves.

Over the course of the short time you spent with the Queen, you were wondering if he behaved in a way similar to the brothers. It sure sounded that way at times, but then again he didn't sound as extreme as the brothers. Then again, most of these acts, if not all of them, were probably done out of his grief. Proceeding down the aisle, you saw the Queen stop once again, as she stared a particular section on the bookshelf.

"Come here for a moment, Queen of Clovers," she voiced, as she never turned her hooded head in your direction.

Noticing the serious tone of her voice, you cautiously went over to her and glanced at the section in the bookshelf. To you it looked like just a bunch of old books, but she pointed towards one with a gold and black cover. Hesitantly, you pulled it out and saw nothing peculiar about the cover. Figuring that she wanted you to open it, you did so and found that the book was actually a box. Inside the box was a black velvet pouch. Picking it up, you felt that there was a heavy object within.

"Queen of Clovers, I want you to open that once you are done with this battle. Think of it as a thank you gift."  

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