On the way to Diamonds

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    In front of the twins and Fade three tall birds stood. Large peach colored feathers clung to their bodies while orange beaks extended from their faces. Eyes, brown like chocolate, analyzed the three humans with exceptional care, as though they were inspecting works of fine art. Orange feet extended downwards from their torso, allowing each bird to stand properly. One could almost mistake the birds for an abnormal flamingo. Upon the necks of each bird rested collars adorned with various colored diamonds. They sparkled under the harsh light of the sun, nearly blinding the twins and Fade.

"What are these things?" Heart called out, trying to block the persistent light from his blue eyes.

Fade approached the one closest to her before responding, "Judging by the collar, I believe them to belong to the Queen of Diamonds."

She reached out her left hand and set it upon the bird's head before gently rubbing the surface. The bird pushed its head into her palm, wanting only more affection. Glancing at each other, Heart and Diamond carefully went closer to the remaining two birds.

"I thought you said that you couldn't locate her," Diamond mentioned, as he examined the collar on the bird's neck, for it was rather unique.

"Yes, but it would seem that she found us. These birds wouldn't be out here otherwise."

"Hmm, mine has a piece of parchment attached to it," Heart announced, pulling a small scroll from the collar.

Diamond and Fade went over to the blue-haired male, looking over his shoulders to see what was written upon it. Scanning over each sentence, the letter read:

Queen of Spades, King of Diamonds, and King of Hearts, I would like to invite the three of you to my humble home. I have provided three of my riders to assist you in your travel. I suspect you'll want to hurry here as soon as possible, since the Queen of Clovers will arrive shortly here herself.


Queen of Diamonds, Clarencia Fairrin

Reddish-orange and blue eyes widened at discovering that you would be at the Queen of Diamonds's home. Fade was relieved to learn that you were safe as well. Each climbed onto the birds before they flew into the air, becoming silhouettes in the bright sky.

These distinct figures were seen by Balthier, who still stood atop the arch, however he merely disregarded them as strange birds that lived in these parts. Not realizing his vital mistake, he climbed down the rock arch and stood before Rollta and Tipora.

"Well time to head in the opposite direction," the man said, hands on the grey fabric around his waist.

Both Rollta and Tipora nodded in response. Tipora was quite glad to now have a definite idea on which way you were going while Rollta dreaded the idea internally. On the outside, he kept up his cheery nature and followed after his taller male companion and shorter female companion.


Geela and you had been riding the river for over four days now. Of course, the two of you would stop on the banks of the running water now and then. These would be made for attaining food and taking care of other necessities. Most of the trip was rather pleasant, mind the occasional rough current that would almost tip the boat. A swim did sound nice at times, but there were certain points of the river that appeared horrid. One couldn't see the bottom of the river, or what swam in those parts. Furthermore, the fearful looks that sometimes covered Geela's face didn't help. Thus you were thankful to be rid of them and back to the parts of the river that looked friendly.

At the moment though, the afternoon sun shined high in the atmosphere and you were left with no cover. Thankfully, it was cooler in these parts than in the previous part of the canyon, but the sun's rays were still unpleasant from time and time. It was one of those times now.

Fanning yourself with your right hand, you leaned back further in the boat while your arms draped themselves across the seat in the boat, for you were sitting on the base. By taking up this position, you were able to stretch your limbs better. Looking over at Geela, you still couldn't believe how she was able to stand having that blanket wrapped around her. Moreover, you could tell that she wasn't sweating. Just shaking your head slightly in disbelief, you peered down at the water beside the boat.

Currently, it was clear and you could see to the bottom. Pebbles of various colors, but predominantly grey, covered the floor of the running water, as fish swam by occasionally. The heat wearing down on you, you glided your fingers through the smooth water. Its cold temperature felt wonderful against your skin while the small splashes from the current allowed specks of crystals to fly up into the air.

When you drew your attention back to the front of you, you immediately forgot about the simple sparkles of lights. Before you stood a magnificent castle made of pink stone. Towers reached high into the bright blue sky above while flags in the colors of the rainbow flapped in the gentle breeze. Windows of stained glass were in abundance, depicting various scenes. New and old stories were told in those window images.

Soon the boat approached a small wooden dock, which Geela tied the boat to, preventing it from flowing back into the current that veered off to the left side of the castle. She nearly jumped out of the boat in excitement at being back at her home. Climbing out of the device yourself, you stepped onto the dock before the child grabbed your right hand in her left one.

With her plush black blanket secured in her right arm, she bounded off, taking you with her. You nearly laughed at her childish energy, but you were soon distracted by something else of interest. The sounds of various instruments filled your ears and you found yourself looking to your right. Squinting, you could see seven figures coming closer to Geela and you.

Like the flags atop the castle, they were colored in order of the rainbow. As they kept coming towards the two of you, you finally were able to discern what they were. Seven foxes in the colors of the rainbow came marching, first red, then orange, followed by the remaining colors. Each held an instrument in their paws while their band uniforms matched the color of their fur. Geela smiled ear to ear at the sight of the petite foxes. You were amazed as well and found yourself tapping your right foot in beat with the music, since the two of you had stopped momentarily.

It held an ancient quality to it and carried magic with every tune. You were captured by it, much like the harp music played by the King of Clovers. In comparison this one was lighthearted and you could imagine multiple figures dancing in the center of a colorful festival. This was a joyous tune, whereas the harp played by the King of Clovers had a sense of longing and remorse to it.

As the seven foxes marched past the two of you and headed towards the back of the castle, Geela and you went forward. The white marble gates of the castle opened slowly, as the two of you came closer. Inside a petite squirrel the color of baby blue turned the gate operator. You could see the chain attached to the gate adorned with various gems that sparkled in the afternoon light.

"Welcome Lady Geela and Queen of Clovers, the mistress awaits the two of inside," the small squirrel spoke before beginning to lower the gate, once the two of you entered the inner courtyard.

"Thank you, Sapphaz," Geela said before guiding you onward.

Up ahead lay two grand double doors made of white oak. In the courtyard pink, blue and yellow roses grew around ponds filled with koi. Grapefruit trees provided shade to various sections of the courtyard while waterfalls poured into the ponds from openings in the side walls. The path leading to the doors was made of pink cobblestone, which was embedded with the occasional sapphires.

Reaching the front doors, Geela pulled the left one open and allowed you entrance first. After thanking her, you stepped inside and found yourself staring upon an extraordinary woman. Purple, red, blue, orange and pink light danced around the grand chair at the end of the throne room. Made of dark purple marble and upholstered with dark pink fabric, the chair stood tall and gave the woman an even more spectacular appearance.

Hands, covered with plum purple gloves that flared at the wrists, laid on the armrests while long pink hair cascaded down the woman's frame. Purple eyes with flecks of pink in them stared at you, as lips painted a pale pink curved into a delicate smile. A dark purple headband with a large red rose surrounded by orange fabric and bearing a blue diamond in the center sat on her head. Covering her form was a fitted dark purple dress that flowed to the ground and had a slit on the left side that went up to the top of the woman's thigh. Dark pink fabric decorated the inside of the skirt, which was showing due to the slit, as orange silk flowed along the outside of the slit. On her right shoulder was a large purple flower with a blue diamond in the center. In the middle of the top part of the dress the fabric was nonexistent, forming a diamond shape that was hidden partially by flowing fabric around the bust of the woman. No doubt she was the Queen of Diamonds.  

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