Battle of Clovers

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  He slowly glanced over his shoulder at the four of you, clearly looking down on you all. His whole posture held arrogance, but part of you could tell that his arrogance was part of a mask he held well over his face. If you had caught him off guard, maybe you could see a trace of sorrow for his lost wife in his eyes, but no such emotion was in his expression now. Only determination dominated his gaze; he wanted to attain what he desired.

Your hands rested over your daggers, ready to unsheathe them the moment he attacked. Fade and the brothers carried similar positions. You noticed Umelius's eyes travel over to Fade and a dark look crossed them. Hatred became evident in his brown eyes, as he stared at her. Fade on the other hand kept a neutral expression, but her grip on her queen's weapon tightened.

"So the little insect has returned, even after I warned you that you weren't welcome here. Then again I suppose you'll be dead in a matter of time, so in some respects it's more convenient that you came back, Fade."

"You'll be the one who will lose today, Umelius. You know very well that I never betrayed my mentor or you. I would've prevented her death that day had I known what she intended to do. You're the one who bought her lie, when in fact you should've been able to see right through it, since you knew her best. That doesn't matter though; what matters is what you're doing now. If anyone has betrayed her, it is you. With every step you take towards your ridiculous plan, you separate yourself farther from her. She would never have wanted this and you know that!" she exclaimed passionately.

Remaining silent, Umelius became completely unreadable until a sickening grin spread across his lips. He drew his right hand up to his face, covering his expression entirely, while a light chuckle exited his mouth. It was a disturbing laugh no doubt, and you glanced over to the Queen. She continued to sit on the dark magenta colored ground, bearing no hint to her thoughts. Some part of you knew though that she was hurt by his current state. This suspicion was confirmed, when you noticed her clenched fists that were trembling slightly.

Knowing that she wanted this madness to stop just as much as you, you unsheathed your daggers with the brothers and Fade following in suit. At that moment though, Umelius swiftly grabbed something from behind the tree. To your eyes, it looked like his arm merely twitched for a brief second, but you knew that wasn't the case. A strong gust of air blew past you and you shielded your face with your arms. Your companions weren't so lucky, since the wind blew past you and directly at them.

Fade and the brothers were blown back into the sitting room, as the doors behind you slammed shut. Your eyes widened, as your mind processed what just happened. When the reality of the situation weighed in, you hastily ran towards the handles of the door, but stopped when you noticed a spiral of wind around them. If you were to lay your hands upon the handles, they would be sliced instantaneously.

Turning to face the man, you now saw what had caused the gust of air. Then you remembered the symbol you saw in the dungeon, a halberd. In his hands lay such a weapon. Silver and gold were the two metallic colors dominating the weapon. Black leather was wrapped securely around various parts of the handle. Metallic gold spikes extended out of the base of the weapon while a gold and silver patterned design was at the butt of the halberd. The head of the weapon was even more intricate with its gold and silver metalwork that were in the shapes of crosses. Moreover, the blades were well sharpened and a spike came out of the back of the head. Honestly, it was an intimidating weapon to gaze upon.

"Please, excuse me for sending your friends out like that, but that little insect said such rude things. Now I can talk to you without any interference. You see, I don't actually intend to kill you, Queen of Clovers; I just want you to kill the other kings and queens, except for my step-brother and me of course," he stated, running his left fingers down the blade of the weapon.

"Tch, and why would I do that? Don't you realize how foolish you plan is? Let's just say for a moment, you somehow accomplished your goal; the king and queen positions would just be passed onto other individuals."

"Of course, you would think that. You don't even know the extent of your powers, do you? Well let me enlighten you, child. Anyone can technically kill a queen or king, but like you just stated the title will then go to another, however there is a way to stop that process. It requires the power of an individual who holds two titles. This is only possible with aces that become a king or queen and you have kindly filled that position."

"And how did you come to find out that I was an ace? I only discovered that information a little while ago."

"Simple, there were rumors of you spreading around, the girl who defeated Chroma. Naturally, I was curious and those who first discovered you, some travelers in a boat, heard your two male companions speak your first and last name, when you had become unconscious. I was truly lucky to have them come through my city at one point. Thus I did some research on your name, since they mentioned that your queen's weapon was magnificent. Long behold, I found your last name mentioned in a text, concerning the aces."

"So you took a leap of faith and just hoped that I was actually an ace after seeing my last name in a book?"

"Indeed, I was at wit's end after all. I needed to find a way to bring peace to my wife's death and here you are. Turns out I was right about you being an ace and if I had any doubts, you just erased them," he replied, with a smirk painting his lips.

"Can't you understand that she wouldn't want this?"

Gaze hardening, his brown eyes narrowed and his voice lowered to a threatening tone, "How would you know what she would want? You never met her; you never witnessed her horrid death."

Both his hands gripped the weapon once more and you readied yourself. From the move he pulled earlier, you knew that he possessed wind magic. Furthermore, based on the speed of his previous, you wouldn't have that much reaction time. The only advantage that you had at the moment was the fact that he couldn't kill you unless he wanted to throw his entire plan into nothingness.

Once again it appeared as though he only moved his arm a mere centimeter before you felt the wind rushing towards you. Throwing yourself to the ground, you felt the wind blow overhead, but another wave was coming towards you. This time you jumped into the air, dodging it just barely. On your feet once more, you darted forward, combining your daggers by their hilts.

A weapon you hadn't seen in a year made its appearance in your hands, as its purple glow dimmed down. The purple blades, attached by an invisible string, shined brightly under the light of the stars. Gripping the silver and black handle, you ran forward even faster with your twin blades at your side. Umelius simply smirked at your approaching form and dodged your attack when you swung the blades. You went to turn towards him for another swing, but a bright light blinded you. Your left hand held onto the weapon while your other arm shielded your (e/c) eyes. In that moment, you made another error; you had forgotten the Queen mentioning that Umelius and she shared the talent of possessing light magic.

Hitting the poppy covered field, you grunted in pain, as you let the brightness die down. You felt cold metal press against the skin on your neck and your breath caught in your throat. Umelius's right foot stepped onto your left hand and pressed down. At first the pain wasn't bad, but it only increased the longer he kept his foot on your hand. He wanted you to release your grip on your weapon, but you refused to do so.

"I would recommend letting go if I were you, Queen of Clovers. Surely, you don't want me to break your hand? Why don't you just surrender and carry out my plan for me?"

"Tch, like I would ever do that. You would have to brainwash me to get me to ever do such a thing and even then it would likely not work. You underestimate me."

"Do I now? I'm not the one with a blade to my neck and I don't intend to brainwash you. I intend to break you," he muttered darkly, as he pushed down harder on your hand.

Biting your cheek, you tried to hold in your scream. You refused to let him break your hand. Utilizing your right arm and hand, you gripped the handle of his weapon and began pulling it away from your neck. Taking instant notice, he wrenched his weapon from your hand. This lessened the force on your left hand and gave you a quick opportunity. Sitting up, you pounded your right fist into his foot. He retracted his foot in pain, permitting you to grip your weapon fully once again. Swiftly, you stood to your feet and created some distance between the two of you.

"You're a fool, if you think you can break my mind, Umelius. I've endured trials that have tested me again and again. If the brothers cannot break my mind, then you surely won't be able to."  

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