Going to Valinquinia

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  Once everyone finished eating, Clarencia proceeded to lead all of you out of the castle. Fade and the brothers now had their packs back on their backs, carrying enough supplies for the rest of your journey, which with the help of Clarencia wouldn't take long. As you were leaving, you couldn't help but notice the glances the brothers were sending you, especially since they stood a mere few feet from you. Heart, who was on your left, had his right arm secured tightly around your left one, acting as if you would disappear in a moment's notice and giving you several warning glances. Diamond, who was on your right, always appeared to have his gaze on you and you could easily see the threatening look in his eyes. They were obviously still paranoid about your ace ability. You could only imagine the restraints they would try to put on you when you returned back to the castle. Honestly though, you would think they would bestow more trust in you after they heard your confession in the orchard, but evidently that had little effect on their overprotective quality.

Now outside of the inner courtyard, you instantly caught sight of four tall peach colored birds. Orange beaks and feet complimented the birds' appearance while brown eyes stared at you expectantly. Collars adorned with various colored diamonds sparkled under the light of the new morning. Clarencia motioned for you four to go towards the birds. The brothers and Fade had no problem doing this, as they had already ridden atop them before, you on the other hand were slightly hesitant. You knew they wouldn't harm you, but still the strangeness of the birds made you cautious.

Going up to the one you were going to ride, you slowly reached your right hand out before placing it on the bird's head. The bird almost instantly nuzzled into your right palm, desiring to be petted. Laughing lightly at this reaction, you gave its head a few more scratches before climbing onto its back, though you were surprised that the animal was quite comfortable to sit upon without a saddle. After Geela and Clarencia said their goodbyes to the four of you, you waved back, shouting out your thanks before the birds took off into the air.


Balthier stood atop another arch in the Emerald Canyon under the setting afternoon sun, scanning the surroundings for any sight of you, but to avail. They had been running for the past day, covering an enormous amount of ground, and managed to reach the middle part of the canyon, since they were going over territory they had already searched. It was amazing at how much ground they could conquer, when Tipora was motivated. Now that she knew which direction you were in, she was running incredibly fast, so as to fix her error and please her master.

Furthermore, due to their elite status they all had a boost of stamina, permitting them to run with no rest for well over twenty-four hours straight. Likewise, one of the reasons they had been chosen as elites in the first place was because all of them were exceptional runners. Thus they were able to compress a five day walking trip into a one day run.

About to climb back down, Balthier stopped and soon saw four silhouettes in the air. It was those strange birds again, but as they neared he realized the mistake he made the first time. How stupid could he be? Of course, it all made sense now. The Queen of Diamonds lived at the southern most side of the canyon and it wasn't surprising that she would aid her fellow kings and queens.

From his viewpoint, he could easily recognize the forms atop the birds' backs. Based upon the description he had heard from his master and from Tipora over the past days, he knew that you were one of the figures. He couldn't believe how foolish he was previously? Why hadn't he recognized the Queen of Spades, King of Diamonds and King of Hearts? Maybe because he just couldn't believe it at first. Tipora had explained that the Queen of Clovers was living with the two kings and was friends with the queen, but he had always doubted his comrade regarding the brothers. It just seemed too odd for the twins to actually care about another individual.

Frankly, he had never met the twins before, but he heard stories of their sadistic nature and how they would capture 'playthings'. He found it sick and didn't want anything to do with them, but now that you were with them it changed matters; he would have to encounter them. How could you even live with such people? Balthier thought it mad, or rather believed that you must be insane yourself to house with them. No matter, he needed to do something about this current situation.

Pulling three arrows from his quiver, he strung them in his bow and aimed. Thankfully, he had encountered Tipora and Rollta when he did, so he could remedy their failure. As a smirk graced his lips, he fired the three weapons into the air, hearing them break through the air with incredible speed. Their steel heads zoomed towards their targets, basically guaranteeing their success. It was easy to tell that the birds were flying in the direction of Valinquinia and thus you were delivering yourself to their master like a nicely wrapped present, though the other three didn't need to accompany you. Once the arrows hit the birds carrying the brothers and Fade, they would fall to their deaths.

Hearing something speeding through the air, you searched for the sound only to pale when you saw the three arrows racing towards your companions. Having only a few seconds to act, you called out to them, alerting them of the fast approaching danger. Each of them turned quickly and just in time to signal the birds to move out of the way. The arrows barely missed the brothers, however Fade wasn't as lucky. One of the arrows pierced her bird right in the heart, rendering it lifeless. Along with the bird, she began plummeting to the earth below.

Eyes widening and fear taking hold of you, you screamed, "Fade!" before signaling your bird to dart after her falling form.

Fade, knowing that death was quickly approaching her, did the only thing she could, she pulled out her queen's weapon. Seeing the chain wrapped in bright green vines coming towards you, you were slightly surprised, but you knew what to do. Reaching your hand out, you grabbed the metal and wrapped your hand around it tightly. Her weight pulled against yours, but you kept your grip and somehow managed to pull her up. Thank goodness she still had the body of a child. Once she was on the back of your bird with you, you breathed out a sigh of relief, but your worry wasn't over yet. Where had those arrows come from?

Following the path of where they came from, you could barely see a figure standing on an arch in the Emerald Canyon. At the moment, you didn't care who they were, but you knew that you needed to get out of their range of fire. Signaling your bird to go faster, you held on tight while Fade held onto you. The brothers wanted to kill the individual, who had just shot at them, but seeing you speeding off, they knew that your plan was probably better. Whoever shot the arrows had extraordinary vision and aim. In their current position they wouldn't stand a chance due to the long-range fighter having the advantage, however were they fighting on ground they could easily overcome him.

Later in the evening, when the four of you would rest, you would allow your bird companions to grieve their fallen comrade, but at the moment the safety of all of you was priority. Going further from the attacker, you glanced behind you, but could no longer see them. Hopefully, you were now out of their range.

Cursing at his failed attempt, he yelled to his companions, "We need to run now, if we want to catch up to our prey."

Having climbed down the arch, he caught the confused glances of Tipora and Rollta.

"I just saw our target flying overhead with some help, so I suggest we get moving if we want to reach the castle when they do," the tall man stated before running off in the direction of their home city.

Tipora wasn't far behind, as she cheered openly; glad to know that you would reach her master after all. Rollta had visibly paled hearing this news. You were supposed to run off and never go near the city, so why were you heading straight for it? What had possessed you to do such a thing? Sure you might have a powerful queen's weapon, but Umelius was sure to overpower you. Umelius was determined to take revenge on his late wife's death and he wouldn't let you stop him. The bluish-white haired male only hoped that you would somehow be safe, for he couldn't deny Umelius's strength.

Thus he ran after his two companions, hoping that everything would go in his favor. He didn't want to see you be used as a doll for Umelius's own selfish desires. Why did you have to become the new Queen of Clovers? Sure, he might have never met you, but you would be safe. You wouldn't have to deal with Umelius and his insane plans to eliminate the kings and queens permanently.

Truly, it was shame to see Umelius in his current state though. The man never displayed any emotion in front of others, except that of anger, hate and determination. One could only understand the man's grief when he played his harp in the room where he proposed to the previous Queen of Spades. No one was allowed in that room, or they would be killed instantly. He protected that room severely. Whenever he was gone from it, he would seal it shut, denying anyone else access.

How could you go against a man in such a state? Rollta didn't know and his mind was clouded with worry. The scenery around him blurred past, as though it were splotched with streaks of thick paint. His mint-green eyes stared forward, but were then again looking up at the sky constantly. He wanted to see you overhead, witness you alive and well. On the other hand, he knew that the next time he would see you, you would either be a puppet, or in immense danger of becoming one. Heart pumping and feet racing, the male prevented himself from screaming out-loud in frustration and worry, as he ran forward.  

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