To Kidnap a Queen

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  Tipora paced around the room on its polished wood floors with her hands behind her back. She couldn't think of any way to get around the brothers. They seemed to have their eyes on you at all times. How would she get around such security? With such a difficult operation ahead, she wanted to inform her master of the new information she had learned, but if she happened to get caught all this thinking would be for naught. Finding herself now standing at one of the large paned windows in the room, Tipora glanced outside. When she did so, her eyes caught hold of something. All the windows had small ledges. A plan began to form in her mind and a smile painted itself on her lips. Now all she had to do was find out where your room was, which you no doubt shared with the brothers. Such overprotective characters would never let you sleep on your own. Now resting her hands on her hips, she grinned even wider, as she went to exit her room with her umbrella in hand and find out the information she needed.


The entire day you wanted to go talk with Tipora, or at least check and see how she was doing. Both males refused to grant your request and stated that Woodlily would watch over her to make sure she had everything she needed as well as keeping an eye on the rainbow colored girl. Thus due to the brothers' stubbornness, you ended up in the study with them. Lounging on one of the side chairs on the raised portion of the room, you flipped through the pages of a book that you were using to merely pass the time. You neither liked nor disliked the book; it was just something to occupy your mind. Diamond sat in the red armchair by the elaborate desk, writing a letter to some individual. When you tried to ask who the letter was to, he would just say 'it's not important' before continuing to write. Heart on the other hand was currently playing the piano in the room, or rather using magic to have the piano play for him while he lay across the piano bench half-asleep. Such a state was a courtesy of the bourbon he drank earlier.

When evening rolled around, you yawned and placed the book on the lounge chair. Soon after, you followed the brothers out of the room, though you were quite surprised that Heart could still walk with relative ease. Heading to the room you three shared, you didn't notice a certain figure watching your every move. Her pastel rainbow hair swayed gently with her delicate movements. She would've already known the location of the room if the pixie was compliant. Sadly, when the green creature came to watch Tipora, none of Tipora's questions were answered. This left her little choice, but to knock the pixie out and put her in a flower vase. Of course Tipora sealed the vase off, guaranteeing that the flying creature couldn't escape. Thus having acquired no information, she would just follow the three of you. Once you three entered the bedroom and closed the door, Tipora smirked to herself and waited for the right time to strike.

Not knowing the danger that you would be in soon, you collapsed onto the king-sized bed, which had red and blue sheets. At the current moment, you didn't care if you hadn't changed into pajamas. After all the running you did this morning, you found that you were incredibly tired. Within seconds, you were asleep on the comfortable bed. Heart carefully pulled the sheets over you before you snuggled into their soft texture. Both brothers, tired themselves, changed into their night clothes before getting into the bed with you.

Hearing no more sounds except those of soft breathing, Tipora knew it was the time to carry out her plan. Quickly, she went to her room and opened one of the windows. Climbing out onto the window ledge, she made her way over to the windows that were by your room. Reaching one of the said windows, she tapped loudly on the glass surface, making sure to awake all three of you. Her ears picking up movements and the angered voices of the brothers, she swiftly climbed onto the roof of the castle. Waving her umbrella around in swift motions, she made two cloaked figures, which were illusions, appear. One wore a pastel blue cloak and the other a pastel yellow cloak. The brothers looked out the window and saw the figures. Just as planned the two males jumped out the windows, running after the two. Smiling to herself, Tipora climbed down from the roof and entered your room through the window.

Caught by surprise, you saw the girl climb in through the window, but you had no time to guess her intentions. She quickly made her way over to you, lifting her umbrella in the air and knocking you out in a single blow to the head. With you unconscious, Tipora cast another spell over you to make your body walk on its own. Having you in her grasp, she led your body out of the castle. Once in the courtyard, she whistled, calling two horses she had stationed off to the side of the castle. Much to her surprise the brothers never once questioned her about the animals, but then again they much too preoccupied with your safety. In some respects their overprotective nature worked against them, as they forgot to question Tipora on several matters.

Jumping onto her light bay horse, Tipora had your body climb onto the dark bay. Once she saw that you were secure on the horse, she dropped the spell on your body. Thus with you successfully captured, she took off with your horse running beside her own. Now she just had to go through the Lindepia Woods and meet up with another of her master's servants. Rollta would be just as pleased as her to see the new queen.


Heart almost had the blue cloaked figure in his hands; he was just amazed at how fast they could run. Since the illusionary figures were running, he couldn't teleport next to them, for they would always be a step ahead. How dare these trespassers disturb their sleep! Raising his saber, he swung it in front of him, allowing the blade to cut through the cloaked figure. When the blade made contact, the figure disappeared completely. He stopped dead in his tracks, as worry etched into his face. Looking over at his brother, he saw the same thing happen to him. Both brothers now knew that they had been played before they hurriedly transported themselves back to the mansion. Noticing the room empty of your presence, fury overtook the two males. Diamond made his way to Aberrous, hoping that he saw where the kidnapper took you. Heart went to the room of where the girl Tipora resided.

Almost ripping the door off of its hinges, Heart entered your old room to find it barren of its guest. Angrily kicking a chair over, he glanced around the room to see if anything was left behind. He stopped his search when he saw the flower vase in the room shaking violently. Going over to it, Heart glanced inside to see Woodlily angrily pounding against it. There was a seal placed over the top, preventing the pixie's escape. Breaking the seal, Heart watched as the pixie flew out in a mad rush. Woodlily's face was flushed red with anger, as she ranted about eating the rainbow colored girl. Not having any patience at the moment, Heart shouted at the pixie to calm down and tell him what happened. Noticing her master's expression, she instantly sat herself down on the bed and explained everything that took place between Tipora and her.

"She kept mentioning how she would take _____ to her master and something about him being able to take over this world with her power. Oh, Heart what do we do? I like her too much to lose her again" Woodlily stated, her green eyes becoming wet with tears.

"Be quiet! Diamond and I won't let this girl get far. I knew I never should have let her enter this castle. Woodlily, retrieve Fade, we'll need her assistance in this matter. She may have knowledge on Tipora".

Wiping her tears away, Woodlily nodded and flew off to find the Queen of Spades. Sitting on the bed, Heart covered his face with his hands, wishing he hadn't been so foolish. If only he hadn't followed after that cloaked figure, you would still be in his arms. First it was Chroma and now this. His blue flannel shirt and white flannel pants soaked in a few droplets of salty water. Footsteps neared and he saw his brother, who wore similar attire just with a red flannel shirt instead of blue.

"Did Aberrous have anything?" the blue-haired twin questioned, hoping that they would have some information on your whereabouts.

"No, he was asleep through the whole thing. What about Woodlily?" Diamond stated, leaning against the doorframe.

"It's like we first suspected. Tipora was a threat. I sent Woodlily to get Fade; she might know something concerning that girl," Heart answered.

"Let's hope so. Whoever this girl's master is, I will take joy in the day I get to plunge my saber through his heart".

Nodding in response to his brother's comment, Heart got off the bed and followed his brother back to the kitchen. Aberrous made some coffee for the two twins, who sat in their chairs, eagerly waiting for Fade's arrival. Sipping at his dark roast coffee with only crème, Diamond tapped his long fingernails against the tabletop, desiring to sink those very nails into Tipora's neck. Heart in a daze-like state kept adding sugar cube after sugar cube to his coffee, never seeming to have enough of the sweet additive. When his teacup was filled to the point where the sugar cubes dominated the coffee, he sighed and just plopped one of the cubes into his mouth.

Too much time seemed to pass before the doors to the castle opened briskly. A figure in a black cloak floated through the halls with the pixie flying right beside them. The doors to the castle closed behind them, as they neared the kitchen. Both brothers sat upright in their chairs, ready to hound the figure with questions. Finally reaching the dining room, the figure pulled down their hood, revealing a girl with white hair on the left side of her head and turquoise colored hair on the right side. Her eyes followed the same colored pattern, but were switched with white on the right and turquoise on the left. Nothing but worry was in her eyes, for she knew the meaning of Tipora's presence.   

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