Removing the Paint

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  You kept your head down, too ashamed of your current condition. At the moment, you weren't ready for them to hear your confession, yet against all your wishes they had heard it. What would they do? How would they react to all this? No longer could you deny your feelings. Well you could, but it wouldn't get you anywhere; you would be lying to yourself and those lies would no longer be heard by the brothers. They knew the truth and that worried you, for you didn't know the outcome of this situation.

The two twins started to move back towards the east and this movement caused you to look up. Their backs were turned towards you, but they had a firm grip on you. In the silence you looked them over and saw the simple peasant shirts on their torsos, red on Diamond and blue on Heart. Both had purple pants on and black patent leather boots. Their hair was rather messy and you barely could tell that they were exhausted, for they hid their tiredness well.

Looking between the two, you saw the river coming closer. The sound of flowing water hit your ears and an occasional splash sounded due to the fish that swam under the surface of the water. It reflected the sunset in its clear water and seemed sparkle under the light, though why were the brothers leading you towards the river? You tried to think of a reason, but none could come to mind. Their faces remained out of your view, but they seemed adamant on going to the river; their grip gave that determination away. In fact you were surprised that Diamond's nails hadn't pierced your skin yet.

"My dear lady, you were genuine in your words, correct?" Heart asked, breaking the silence between you three.

"I'm not saying anymore on the matter," you responded, finding yourself looking at the ground again, causing you to not see Heart glancing back at you.

He smirked before turning his attention back to the front of him, replying "I see, well I suppose there's no need for your response, since my brother and I saw the look in your eyes. There's no point in hiding now."

"What about you two? You've been keeping me in the dark about your past; the both of you are hiding as well."

"Miss _____, our parents' actions placed a curse upon us. Their involvement with necromancy and the Jacks caused us to be forever plagued by certain desires that we cannot sate. Furthermore, before you ask us about our parents and why we never explained our origin to you, understand that we only learned about them when we were going after you. We still know little about them. We merely know their appearance, and only a fraction of how they acted. Sadly, these portions of information are overshadowed by the crime they committed."

So they really weren't keeping too much information from you, well at least with regards to their parents, but what was this curse? Diamond mentioned desires. Did that mean it related to their sadistic personalities? As if they could understand what you were thinking, they both turned around.

"This curse causes us to have an insatiable desire for entertainment and blood," they stated in unison, waiting to see what your reaction would be to their declaration.

Was that really the reason why they had tormented you on multiple occasions? Did they really not have complete control over their actions? Were they really born with such personalities traits? It seemed impossible, but once again this world always held its secrets and seemed to break the limits of what you thought possible. You scanned Diamond's reddish-orange eyes and Heart's blue eyes, looking for any evidence of deceit. Seeing none, you just sighed, as the tears were now drying up. Staring back at the ground, you let out a second sigh.

This information wasn't their past, but it was more than enough for now. At last you knew why you had always seen something in their expressions when they played one of their games with you, or messed with you in general. All this time they had been restraining themselves from doing something worse to you. Their actions were still horrendous and you had trouble forgiving them, but you now had a definite reason for them. You could now understand the brothers better, if only a little.

"Is there no way to break the curse?" you questioned, muttering almost to yourself.

Each twin looked at the other before looking back at you and shaking their head.

"There might be, but we don't know about it," they uttered in unison.

"Does our personalities bother you that much, Miss _____? If so, you know we can't change them."

"I'm afraid you'll have to deal with them, my dear lady. You're ours and we can't simply let you go."

A smile tugged at your lips; you almost wanted to laugh. You had almost forgotten their dark and playful statements and your ears were somewhat glad to hear them again. Of course, it was due to you missing them, but also because they had just revealed something new to you; they had trusted you with new knowledge. Were you a little happy at this moment? Yes, yes you were. The tears had finally stopped and your spirits were slightly lifting. Both brothers were glad to see you cheering up a bit, but they had brought you to the river for another reason; your small smile was just an unexpected bonus.

When you caught the brothers' expressions growing more serious, your smile faltered and an expression of concern ran across your face. What were they up to now? Dragging you to the shore of the river, they motioned for you to sit. Deciding it best to not to argue, you sat down on the grass covered earth. You may now have a reason for their dark modes of amusement, but that reason didn't extinguish their desires. They could still at anytime decide to entertain themselves and you could very well be the object of that entertainment. Goodness knows what game they would come up with. Hopefully, they weren't planning something with the river that ran to the south behind you.

Soon both brothers took seats of their on the grass. They sat on their knees while the palms of their hands rested on top of their knees. Not knowing what they wanted, you looked between the two and waited for them to do something. It only grew darker, as you waited, for the sun was almost at the horizon. When the sun sank a little lower, the twins finally told you of their intention.

"My dear lady ..." Heart started.

"We want you to take off our face paint, Miss ____," Diamond finished.

Surprised, your eyes widened and you sat up a little straighter. Did you really hear that right? You had never seen them without their face paint on. The idea of it seemed incredibly strange and you couldn't fathom how they would look without it. It was like the first time you had seen them without their hats, though in that case you became used to it. Would it be the same in this instance, yet you felt that their face paint held more value. There was a part of you that had always thought that their face paint would never come off, that they were born with it. Of course this was a foolish idea, but in this world it could be possible.

"Do you really want me to? It doesn't seem right," you mentioned honestly.

"I thought you wanted to know more about us? Have you changed your mind, my dear lady?" Heart questioned with a smirk decorating his face.

"Well no, I want to know, but ...".

"Miss ____, the paint on our faces represents our life after we took our revenge on the manager at the carnival. We want you to see our faces before then. Please grant our request."

"Or we'll just force you to do so."

Biting the inside of your left cheek, you leaned back and stuck your hand in the water. Its cool temperature felt nice under the setting sun and you let the water run between your fingers for a few moments before scooping some into your hand. Since Diamond was slightly closer to you, you went to put the water on his face, but realized how awkward this was. Were you just supposed to splash him with it? Seeing your confusion, Diamond removed a clean red handkerchief from his right pocket and handed it to you. Thus you dipped it in the river and pulled it back out.

Moving a little closer to the red-headed male, you brought the piece of cloth up to his face. Hesitantly, you placed your right hand on his left cheek while you utilized your left hand to wipe at the paint around his right eye. Both his reddish-orange eyes were closed, as you continued. The intimacy of this gesture caused your cheeks to turn a light pink and you were glad that he had his eyes closed. Once finished with Diamond, you moved onto Heart. With your left hand on his right cheek and right hand wiping away the paint you eventually finished the process.

Now scooting a little ways away from them, you analyzed their bare faces and were taken aback. You didn't know what to think; it was just so alien to you, not in a bad way though. It was as though you were looking upon two different people, but at the same time they weren't any different. Maybe they appeared more innocent like they weren't born with a curse. Slowly, you reached your right hand out, as if to touch one of their faces, but pulled it back unsure with your eyes having a mesmerized appearance.

"Heart, Diamond, you two are utterly breathtaking." 

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