Meaning behind Capture

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   Since Fade had arrived in the castle, Woodlily flew off into the kitchen for her reward of meat. Not giving a glance to the disappearing pixie, Fade floated over to a chair between Heart and Diamond, who looked eager to start asking questions. Resting her arms over the chair, so she could lean forward a bit, Fade sighed and glanced between the two twins.

"Tell me, who let the girl Tipora into this castle?" Fade questioned with her gaze darkening.

Both brothers looked at each other, telling Fade all she needed to know.

"So ____ let her in. That would explain things then, though the fault is still on you two."

"How exactly is it our fault?" Heart asked while crushing a sugar cube in his mouth.

"Simple, you idiots refused to let her go outside of this castle and even when you did it was just to the courtyard. She obviously let Tipora in without thinking because she wanted interaction with the world beyond these walls."

Diamond almost crushed his teacup due to being called an idiot while Heart had the sudden urge to throw his teacup at Fade's face, though before either of them could carry out their actions Fade continued.

"Right now we need to think of a plan though, rather than discuss your mistakes."

Annoyed at her choice of words, Diamond replied venomously, "Well then, why don't you tell us who Tipora is exactly?"

"You would know that information if you actually paid attention to this world rather than just your own pleasures Diamond and then none of this would have happened. Anyway, Tipora is one of the four elite soldiers of the King of Clovers."

Now having successfully crushed his empty teacup, Diamond glared at the multi-colored haired girl, though, since your safety was on the line he remained in his seat.

"What on earth would that old man want with our dear lady?"

"Isn't it obvious? Now that Chroma has been extinguished, he'll have no one in his way of taking over this world. I doubt the King of Spades will even lift a finger in stopping the man. Furthermore, the Queen of Hearts is too preoccupied with healing the mermaids that Chroma corrupted. Likewise, if ____ was never captured you two probably would've never even noticed. Now how do you think the King of Clovers will take over this world?"

"Her queen's weapon, there's no doubt. I can't even deny that her weapon is probably the most powerful to ever grace this world."

"Wait, so that fool might actually be able to take over the world successfully?.

"Ye,s Heart, he will be successful if he gets ____ and her weapon. I'm sure that you two will not want to live under his rule. Of course there will not be too many changes, except for the fact that you'll have to obey all of his wishes. Moreover, _____ will be his."

"There's no way I would follow that lunatic's orders and I especially won't let him lay his hands on our dear lady. Why isn't the Queen of Hearts or the King of Spades doing anything?"

"I already explained their situation to you, Heart. Until the Queen of Hearts is finished with healing the mermaids, she will be indisposed. Furthermore, you know that the King of Spades will not stop him; he's the king's step-brother after all."

"You haven't mentioned the Queen of Diamonds yet. Does she know anything about this?" Diamond inquired.

"Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find her, so I do not know where she stands on this situation. Thus it will just be the three of us going after _____. I know you two would rather have another help you, but I'm all you got, so you're going to have to deal with it."

"It would seem so, though do you have any idea where Tipora could've taken her?" the red-headed male asked.

"She could've taken any number of paths to get there. I have no way of knowing which one, but if we can cut Tipora off before they reach the King of Clover's stronghold, Valinquinia, we should have no trouble overpowering that girl. We'll wait thirty minutes away from the city, which will provide us view of anyone coming towards the city, since there's only one entrance in. Furthermore, if any of the other soldiers spot us attacking, we'll have just enough time to get ____ and make a run for it, if we become outnumbered."

"Hmm, that could work, though they'll be traveling on foot, so what do you suggest we do until they reach that point. It will take them a month to get there with any mode of transportation Fade. I can't just sit here and wait that long" Diamond stated.

"You forgot Diamond that you can't transport yourself into the King of Clover's territory. We'll have to walk as well, or take another way of transportation. The farthest you can travel is just outside his territory and that will only cut off a week of travel, though, what's the point in that if ____ won't even be there. Waiting in one spot will only draw unnecessary attention."

"Wouldn't it be better then, if we searched the paths they could've taken before they enter his territory? I can't wait a month," Heart added.

"And what if you don't find her? Heart you forget that there is well over thirty different ways that they could've gone. You'll be wasting precious time".

"It won't be a waste of time, for we can cut off a week of travel by transporting ourselves. Thus we can search the different paths for a week, besides it won't be that hard if we split up and search for her. If we don't find her, then we can head to Valinquinia," the blue-headed male suggested.

"I suppose that could work, though I say we leave in six days instead of seven then, since they have a good head start on us. Let's just assume that they're one day ahead of us. I know that's not the case, but just to be safe," she stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

All three nodded in response and left the castle, heading in different directions. Fade unlike the brothers couldn't transport at will, however she could hover. Thus she could search about five times faster than someone walking on foot. With that, their search for you began.


"Tipora what's coming? I heard whispers in the wind," you mentioned, moving further into the amber shelter.

She didn't answer, but merely mentioned for you to remain quiet. Even when in potential danger, her attitude didn't improve. You were expecting her to be at least a little nice, when you invited her into the mansion, though you were proved quite wrong. In irritation you leaned back against the amber wall while the wind grew louder outside. The whispers only grew louder and you covered your ears, wanting to block out their disturbing words, though this was hard to do, since your hands were tied together; you could barely get them to cover your ears. Why were they so convinced that you were going to die? Frankly, you had survived Chroma and that was quite an accomplishment in your opinion. Pressing your knees up to your chest, your hands clamped around your ears even more, as the whispers continued to increase in volume. Glancing over at Tipora, she seemed to be unaffected by the words on the wind. Her face remained as expressionless as usual while her cold grey eyes analyzed the environment outside of the amber covering.

A loud scream soon resonated throughout the forest while another sounded afterwards. Your (e/c) eyes found themselves pinned to the wind that was sweeping by. You wanted the loud screams to stop, for they were only making the whispers worst. Due to you being so focused on the terrifying noises, you didn't realize that you were trembling. Normally, you wouldn't show such weakness in front of others, but it felt like you were in a nightmare. The only difference being that you couldn't wake up from this, instead you had to sit, and watch, waiting for the horror to approach you.

At last when you thought you couldn't take it anymore, silence swept over the woods. This silence did not last long however, for soon heavy breathing replaced it. Pressing your back further into the amber walls, you looked forward to see a wisp-like form outside that was colored turquoise and had shimmering white smoke around its glowing middle. It had no definite shape, but the way it turned, looking side to side, unnerved you greatly. Your whole body froze, when it looked at the tree you were hiding under. Tipora kept her face unreadable, but her hand hovered over her umbrella. Why was it staring at the tree for so long? Did it know you two were there? Seconds, then minutes passed while the thing just stared at where you were hiding. Beads of sweat formed on your brow while you bit your bottom lip, holding in the scream that you so desperately wanted to release. Heart racing, you hugged your legs to your chest while closing your eyes.

Another minute went by before something lightly touched your left shoulder. Almost jumping into the air and screaming, you felt a hand quickly cover your mouth. Seeing that it was just Tipora, you mentally sighed while she removed her hand from your mouth. The creature was now gone, but Tipora signaled for you to keep quiet, for she explained that it could easily return if either of you were too loud. Letting your breathing return to normal, you leaned your head against the amber wall and stretched your legs out. On the other hand, Tipora sat crossed legged while pulling something out of one of her packs. A quiet snap resounded in the amber hideout and you saw something being held in front of your face. Looking over at Tipora, she signaled for you to take it. Hesitantly, you took it from her and examined it in your bounded hands. It appeared to be some sort of cracker and you could smell the seasoning on it. Bringing it to your lips, you cautiously bit into the food, hoping that it wasn't poison, though why would she poison you when she could've killed you earlier. Tasting the cracker, your eyes widened at the taste. The taste was rather extraordinary and you found yourself taking your next bites in quick succession. As you ate the small amount of food, you hoped that you would be able to leave these woods soon.  

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