--Chapter One--

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Kaira's POV

The familiar feel of my feet pounding across the hard ground and sending jolts up my legs is somewhat comforting. However, in this specific situation, nothing can really comfort me. I am on the run again and can't do a thing about it. Well, I could let them catch me, but that isn't an option. I have heard many rumors of what has happened to those that have been taken, and none of them sound like things I want to experience.

I barely avoid a tree that seemed to just appear in front of me and I turn right. I can hear their faint voices behind me, sending shivers up my spine. I keep trying to recall how I got in this situation, but I can't.

First, I was just having dinner with my family. Then the next thing I knew, they were dead in their seats. And the men had come. I didn't even have time to say goodbye! I had bolted out the back door to our house and into the dense woods behind our house.

The men are only a few yards behind me and they are slowly gaining on me. I need to figure out a plan if I don't want to end up like my mum, daddy, and Louis. My throat constricts when I think of them. They are gone forever. Dead. I can still picture their pale and empty faces before I left. It haunts me.

I stumble across a large root and I am forced to focus on only what is in front of me. It is probably better anyway; if I think of my family anymore, I don't think I will be able to hold it together.

Pressing on, I resume my fast pace and weave through the dense underbrush. Some unknown force gives me energy and I am able to continue, even though with every breath I take it seems impossible. My lungs are burning and I can't seem to catch my breath. But I push on.

Up ahead, I spot something that gives me hope. The Shonin's house! I barely know them, but I'm sure they would let me come in. Then I could hide out there until I figure out what to do.

Sucking in another breath as best I can, I run up to their front door and knock hurriedly. I only have a few more seconds before the men will come into view of the house and spot me. My heart pounds at an unnatural speed and I fight the urge to throw up.

Just in time, the door is opened by Mrs. Shonin. She smiles at me and is about to say something when I push past her and slam the door closed. Then, I sink to the ground, gasping.

Mrs. Shonin bends next to me and I can see she is concerned. "What's going on...Kaira, is it?"

When I get my breathing under control, I finally answer. "Someone was...chasing me, Ma'm. I had to hide. I'm sorry I startled you. Can I please stay here and hide for a bit?"

She stays quiet once I'm done for a moment before nodding. "Yes, of course. Go on upstairs and into the first room on the left. You can stay there until we figure this out." She offers.

I thank her and head towards the stairs when she says one more thing. "Oh, where is the rest of your family, dear?" she asks.

I swallow. Hard. "Dead." Then I scramble up the stairs, not wanting to hear her response. In the room, I sink down in the corner and bury my face in my hands. I can barely breath right now. The pain is threatening to suffocate me. All I can do now is hold on. I can make it. I can make it. I can make it...

Well, the first chapter is published! Hope you guys liked it!

*just remember*

Kaira's POV is written by Ithildae.

Zane's POV is written by Evara.


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