--Chapter Twenty-Seven--

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Kaira's POV

I don't know why I keep trying to get away. It's obvious now that I am not going anywhere. And what hurts the most is that those people will never pay for what they did to my family. They deserve to be to justice, but here they are, getting away with it! That, in itself, makes me want to fight. It is the only thing that gives me strength to go on and not give up like my body wants. Whenever I start to let go and stop fighting, I picture my family and how they wouldn't want me to. I can't let the men get away with what they've done.

I am starting to realize that I am too small and weak to actually do something against these people, but I do have something they don't. I have a good reason to fight and knowing that, I will win. Whether it is through my death, or through revenge, I must succeed.

Keeping all that in mind, I steel my resolve and prepare to endure whatever they decided to do to me.

I feel more wires being placed against my head and arms, poking me mercilessly, but I don't cry out. I don't make a single noise. Now I know I can't show them what I'm feeling and I can't show them how weak I really am. That won't get me anywhere.

As if it were something tangible, I hold tightly to my anger, using it to keep me in control. But before I can use it to my advantage, it is slipping away. My anger is lessened and I can't explain why. It's just there one minute and the next it is coated by another emotion that I don't want. Fear.

Sweat starts collecting on my brow and I can tell my hands are shaking uncontrollably. I hate this, but it's as if my body is no longer in control, as if I'm being forced to feel this way. I am shivering and then I am starkly aware of how cold it is in here.

"Vitals are all over the place," I hear distantly.

"Brain activity is spiking, sir."

"Blood pressure rising."

I can't put faces to the words, but I know they are talking about me. I try to open my eyes, but they are wet and blurry. Shutting them again, I try to focus on my breathing. In and out...

In and out... In and... out.

It isn't working. I feel my heart rate picking up as if I just ran five miles. It scares me, my whole body responding to something I have no control over. I can't even collect my anger enough to use it now. I'm scared and I can't do a thing about it.

Then I feel a warm hand on my shoulder and right away I know it's Zane's. Don't ask me how I know, I just do.

"Something must have gone wrong," I hear him say to his companions, "She is reacting like we injected several emotions."

I know I shouldn't feel this way, and that explains it. They did this to me. They are forcing me to feel something I don't want to feel. Once again, it is their fault.

Thank you all for reading! Hope you have a great Monday!

Kaira's POV: Ithildae

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