--Chapter Seventy-Three--

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Kaira's POV

My father and Zane seem to come to some sort of an agreement before coming towards me. Zane reaches up and opens my cell door, my father standing behind him. I climb down without hesitation and run into my father's arms.

He envelops me in a hug tightly, and for a split second I feel safe again. It feels so good to be in my father's arms, and when he lets go, it is too soon.

"We must go now, Kaira," he speaks urgently and wisely. I know he's right, but I don't want to leave his embrace.

Zane disregards my father and I and heads to where Max is. I turn to watch as Zane opens the door up and slings Max over his shoulder with a grunt.

Then, we all head out of the room at a quick pace.

We hurry along the corridors, letting Zane lead us. Thankfully, he seems to know the way out and doesn't hesitate as we turn down hallway after hallway.

He hardly seems affected by the fact that he is carrying a grown man, and I am actually quite impressed. I also feel somewhat less resentful towards him for what he is doing. I mean, he is risking his own life to help us get away. He is putting aside his precious work and all that just for... me.

It hits me like a brick. He still does love me. But... why did he betray me?

That may never be explained but my newfound realization makes my heart leap. He does care for me, or else, why would he be helping us?

A bang echoes down the hallway from behind us and I look back. A man is chasing us with a small pistol in his hand. He must have fired at us.

The man shoots again, but misses thankfully. We hurry on, hoping that somehow no bullets will find their marks.

There is another hallway up ahead and if we reach it, then we will have some more cover.

Desperately, I speed up, pulling on my father's hand which is clasped in my own.

Then I hear it. The sound of a bullet whistling through the air. Everything seems to go in slow motion after that.

I turn around just as my father pushes me to the ground. Then I hear the worst sound I have ever heard. The sound of a bullet piercing through flesh and bone.

My father grunts and drops to his knees. Blood instantly begins trickling out of his mouth and nose as he mouths two words, "I'm sorry."

"NO!" I scream with everything inside me and scramble over to my father who lies motionless on the ground, blood pouring from a gaping wound on his back. I shake him, trying to keep him awake even though deep down, I know he's gone.

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