--Chapter Seventy--

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Zane's POV:

My eyes are heavy by the time this project is finished. Normally this would have taken maybe an hour. Instead, it took three. Of course, it didn't help that my thoughts were very distracting.

"I need sleep." I half-groan half-mumble, and shut my eyes.

My eyes jolt open, looking around.

The project on the table in front of me reminds me of everything that had happened, and I look at my medical watch to see what time it is and how long I have been asleep for.

Nine-thirty in the morning. And I had fallen asleep when? Last night some time?

I rub a hand across my face, trying to wake up.

I pick up the two small canisters and put them in my lab coat pocket. I suppose now's a good time as ever...

Standing up, I stretch, trying to get all of the kinks out from sleeping in a chair. Once that's done,  I open the door and exit the room, headed towards a certain corridor.

My heart starts to beat faster as I know what I am doing is risky. A million different things could go wrong, but I stick to it. I need to fix what I wronged. I repeat the phrase in my head, and review all of my reasons for doing this.

When I arrive at the corridor, I've somewhat calmed. Taking one of the canisters out of my pocket, I place it in the corner and set the timer. Two minutes to do this.

My steps quicken, and I mentally count how much time I have left.

One minute, thirty seconds before I plant the second canister.

One minute, and I find a place in between the two time-bombs.

Thirty seconds. My heartbeat has quickened, according to what my watch says.

Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

A loud bang goes off, and I see tons of smoke start to pour in.

"Code Three!" I yell as loud as I can.

Chemical Leak. Evacuate as soon as possible.

Zane's POV: Evara

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