--Chapter Six--

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Zane's POV

"You aren't allowed to know that yet." I answer her, imagining her expression when she learns what this is all about.

She glares at me, but I don't care. These walls are impregnable, if you will. There is no chance that she will get out of there.

I click the microphone off, and turn the sound-proof walls on. Nothing she has to say at this point is probably that important, honestly. Turning around, I walk out of the hallway, back to what I was doing before she interrupted.

The place where I am at work is close by, so I don't walk that far before I arrive at the lab.

I enter the code for the door and it slides open. Walking in quickly, I make my way over to the table I had been working at. There was a large microscope on the white table, focused on a piece of human DNA.

On the other end was a row of empty bottles, labeled after emotions. Yes, emotions. The work we are doing right now is going to change history. I smile and go back to my work, examining the DNA, trying to find every little detail about it.

At another table, a group of scientists are studying a human brain under a microscope. I wish I had been placed at this table, as it seems more likely to discover what we need, but I wasn't, so I work hard at the table I'm at.

As usual, I see nothing more than what I've already seen in this piece. This is stupid, I think, frustrated. But I keep looking at it, and eventually someone replaces the old DNA with a new piece of DNA.

I had been studying this piece for awhile, when my boss calls my name, "Zane."

I glance up at him, wondering what he wants.

He jerked his head at the brain table, "Switch with Dale."

I nod once, and straighten my back, walking over to the brain table. Dale obviously heard it, and clearly was angry. You could say he hates me. And I... well, I pretty much hate him too. He just acts like he's so much better than me, which he isn't. I figure he probably thinks the same about me, but I don't really care.

He leaves the table and goes to the DNA table, immediately ordering for a new piece. I roll my eyes, and then go to the microscope looking at the brain. The other scientists step away, allowing me to look at it.

As soon as I start looking, I know this has more promise than skin DNA.

I study the brain as a whole for a solid ten minutes, absorbing what I can. After I think I've learned all I can, I move to the next microscope, which is looking at just a piece of the brain. This is what I need. I notice a trace of fluid inside of the tube, and focus on that. Somehow, I know this is important.

"I need to see a brain in action." I announce, straightening, "I think I've found what we need."

duh, duh, DUUUUHH!!! ;)

lol, but again, thank you guys for reading this book! I hope you all are enjoying it :)

Zane's POV- Evara

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