--Chapter Fifty-Two--

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Zane's POV

Everything is quiet and dark. Nothing is stirring, except for inside of a small house a few meters away. I hear talking and an occasional laugh from inside the house, as well as dishes clanking.

We've been here for about an hour or so, surveying the house. There's a strange feeling of familiarity about the house, but I can't place it, and I figure that now is the time to move.

"Let's go." I murmur to the man next to me, who passes it on to the men next to him, and so on.

I count slowly to ten before moving forward silently in a crouch. The men behind me follow, being just as quiet as I am.

When I reach the house, I press myself against the wall, hardly daring to breathe.

After a few seconds, I peek in the window for a split second before darting my head out again. Closing my eyes, I picture the interior of the house.

The target and apparently his wife, two chairs, one table, and a braided rug. From what I could tell it was only a one level house.

"Move out." I murmur quietly, knowing that at least one of my men is near me.

Ducking beneath the window, I crouch-walk to the door, and pull out my pistol. Much force shouldn't be needed.

I decide to not even try the handle, and kick the door open. The handle apparently wasn't even closed, so the door goes flying on it's hinges into the other wall.

The woman whirls around from where she was washing dishes at the sink, gasping in surprise. The man, Drake, stands up quickly from where he was reclining at the table.

"May I help you?" His voice is calm, despite the circumstance.

I hold my pistol up, "You're coming with us."

He nods once, "I'm guessing I have no choice."

"Drake, no!" The woman screams, running to him. She clings to his arm, starting to cry.

He turns his head, whispering something to her. She nods, still crying, and tenderly kisses him on the lips.

Involuntarily, my eyes flick away. It seems awkward to just watch them kiss, especially since this would be their last one.

This week I probably won't be able to update on Wednesday, so instead here is an update! Hope you all are having a fantastic week!

(as a side note, I'm thinking about redoing the cover for this book... thoughts?)

Zane's POV: Evara

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