--Chapter Seventy-Seven--

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Kaira's POV

I keep begging myself to just go unconscious, but for some reason I can't. Every one of my senses are fully alert and awake, making the pain even worse. Trying to think of why I feel this way, I come to one conclusion.

The water.

A little while ago, they gave me some water to drink. I didn't want to drink it, but they forced it down my throat. It must have been spiked.

And now, there is no escape from the pain. Unless they deliberately knock me out, I realize that I will be awake for the rest of the torture.

That causes my body to shake even more, because the man told me they weren't even close to being done. But I don't know how much more I can take.

"You aren't getting bored now, are you?" one of the men whisper in my ear and I sob quietly.

"P-Please..." I choke out.

The man chuckles and I feel him slowly run his fingers through my messy hair. Then, he grabs it in his hand tightly. "Such beautiful hair. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it..." he says slowly, a malicious grin on his face.

"No... no, no. Please, no," I beg, trying fruitlessly to get my hair out of his grip.

"It's so long... I think we should change that," the man grabs more of my hair and I scream.

"NO!!! I beg of you, no!" I struggle over and over with renewed vigour.

"Now now, just shut your mouth."

"No! You monster, don't touch me!" I cry. He lets go of my hair and smacks me across my cheek hard.

"Gary, give me that rag over there," the man orders, not taking his eyes off me. The rag is handed to him and he sticks it through my mouth and around my head, tightly tying it against my head and muting me.

I try to shout and yell, but it only comes out as weak moans. I can't let him take my hair! It's all I have left of my mother! No...

As the knife slices through it and I see uneven locks fall to the ground, I cry even harder.

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