--Chapter Seven--

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Kaira's POV

Once again, the hallway light is turned on and Zane comes back in. I wonder what I did this time...

He messes with the panel again as someone comes in behind him. The person pushes the same bed in and I step back. So much for being left alone. I don't recognize whoever it is, but they seem to know Zane. He thanks them and they go stand off to the side, watching me. I feel slightly uncomfortable and I want to disappear.

"Time to get to work," I hear Zane mutter to himself. Then the... uh, door... opens and he pushes the bed inside. Lastly, the door closes again as the man who brought the bed in leaves.

"Hop on, please."

I back away from him until my back hits the glass. Now I am absolutely certain I don't want to go with him. I am so so certain.

He sees I'm not going to come and sighs, rubbing a hand through his speckled hair. I glance at it and then back at his face, watching for movement.

"Kaira, just get on the bed, okay? I am very tired and you are making this harder than it needs to be." His voice sounds slightly exasperated.

"H-How d-do you know...know my name?" I stutter.

"Just get on already." Zane is apparently not very patient. Well, it suites him because I don't really like him very much.

I stay where I am, determined not to move. I'm sure he is stronger than me, but I don't really want to go quietly. I don't want to be here and part of me makes sure I don't forget it.

Zane takes a step towards me and I flinch slightly. I scold myself, but I couldn't help it. He's a bit intimidating right now and I am not very big at all...

"Please..." I leave the sentence hanging when he comes closer. My eyes flick up and down, watching his hands and feet and face back and forth. I don't know what to do. Oh, what have I gotten myself into?

Hello everyone! Hope you are enjoying this story. :)

Kaira's POV -Ithildae

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