--Chapter Eighty-Three--

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Kaira's POV

With a groan, the peaceful blackness leaves me and I am forced to come back to the real world. All at once, the pain hits me like a brick and I cry out loudly.

I start to sit up, but am stopped by a firm hand which lowers me back onto the couch.

"Shh, it's okay, Kaira, dear. You're home now," says a familiar voice soothingly. Oh, how I have missed her voice.


"Don't try to talk, dear. You're hurt. Just rest," she commands softly. I open my eyes and see her calm and reassuring face focused on the task before her.

But right after, my head hurts and I shut my eyes to relieve the pain.

"Louis, bring me a bowl of hot water and the first aid kit underneath the bathroom sink." Louis. She's okay. And she's here too. Oh, how I wish I could just go to her and give her a hug.

"Yes, Mommy," I hear Louis answer and then rush to do as she was asked.

My mother carefully peels off my shirt and inspects the various wounds all over me. I can tell she is barely holding it together by the grave expression on her face.

Then a thought hits me: she doesn't know about... Dad. And that he's gone.

"I got it, Mom! Is Kaira gonna be okay?" Louise asks worriedly.

"I'm going to do everything I can, Louise. Now go to your room, sweetheart."

"But I want to help-" my little sister argues.

"Louise, now," Mom's voice is quiet, but that means she is very serious.

I hear Louise shuffle off and then the sound of her door slamming.

"Honey? Can you hear me?" Mom asks suddenly.

I barely manage a nod.

"I need to stitch up this wound and it's going to hurt," she tells me sympathetically.

I nod again, feeling so drained. Where is Zane? Where is Max? What happened? How did I even get here?

But those thoughts slip away as quickly as they came when my mom slips the needle into my skin. And it hurt a lot more than I thought it would.

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