--Chapter Eighty-Two--

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Zane's POV

I watch as Kaira goes unconscious, and for a moment I feel a sense of panic that she died. I quickly check her breathing, and after a moment, hear it faintly.

Picking Kaira up gently, I decide to move now, while she is unconscious. That way she won't feel the pain as immediately.

I stand up and move to the door, opening it with a slight bit of difficulty. After making sure no one is in the halls, I walk out the hall and quickly towards the back exit.

Thankfully, I don't see any scientists, and I exit the room without incident.

I start half-jogging as smoothly as I can, going to the woods. Darkness covers everything, but I know my sense of direction well enough.

After a few minutes, the house comes into sight, with lights in the windows. Finally, I get to the door, knocking with my foot. The door cracks open, and I see Kaira's mother looking out.

She first sees me, and I can tell she was about to tell me to go away before she sees who I'm carrying.

Wordlessly, she opens the door fully, stepping aside to let me in. Gratefully, I step inside and look around, seeing Louis at the table, watching me with wide-eyes.

"Set her over here," Kaira's mother moves quickly to a small couch, and I follow her there.

As gently as I can, I set Kaira down, saying, "She is injured badly," my voice catches slightly, but the woman doesn't seem to notice.

"You will stay outside until I can get this all figured out," she says briskly.

I nod mutely, understanding her distrust of me, and walk quickly out the door, I go several big meters into the woods before I sit down, exhausted from the day's activities.

My head leans against a tree, and before I know it, I'm asleep.

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