--Chapter Thirty-Six--

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Zane's POV

"I'm really confused, and don't know what I am feeling, honestly." I continue talking, and feel like I just need to get this out. To sort of explain.

She looks just as confused as me when I glance back at her, "You didn't put anything in me?" She asks, her tone quiet and confused.

I shake my head, "No."

Silence comes between us, neither of us knowing what to say. It becomes awkward, and I feel like I have to say or do something.

"I should get back to work," I mumble awkwardly, and leave quickly. I don't know what could possibly have made that anymore awkward. Seriously.

I plunk down at my desk with a sigh, running a hand through my dark grey with flecks of silver hair. What do I do now? My more practical side helps with that, telling me to get back to work.

Gladly, I turn to study the emotion, drowning out my thoughts of Kaira and my feelings for her in the work.

After several minutes, a scientist comes down the hall carrying a plastic tray with several food items on it.

"Food for her," he explains shortly.

I nod and stand up, taking the tray from him, "I'll feed her."

I don't really want to do it, but I know that the scientist will be more brutal about it than I will.

He nods. "Be careful," he says, and then leaves.

Taking the tray, I go over to Kaira's cell and open the door.

Her face is scrunched up in pain, and her eyes are shut tightly.

"What's wrong?" I ask quietly, still awkward from the last time we talked.

"Headache." She groans. That would probably be my doing. Wonderful.

"I have some food for you. If you want." I add quickly, not wanting to force anything on her. As I think about it, that's another area where I've changed. Previously, she would've eaten the food whether she liked it or not.

Her eyes crack open, "What is it?"

I look down at the tray, "Some bread, milk, and an apple." I tell her, thinking that that was a pretty sorry meal.

Now to see if I'll have to feed her.

Zane's POV: Evara

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