--Chapter Fifty-Eight--

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Zane's POV

I wince as Louis pushes against the bullet hole with a clean, wet rag.

She had removed the bullet a few seconds earlier, and now more blood was gushing out.

The silence between us was almost unbearable, but I couldn't think of anything to say. Along with the silence, guilt was gnawing at me, knowing that I was the one who took away this girl's family.

"I'm sorry." I eventually say, not really knowing what else to say.

She was quiet for a moment, "Why did you take them?"

Now to the heart of the matter. If it had been anyone else asking that, I would have snapped at them, told them to mind their own business. But of course, if it was anyone else, I wouldn't be apologizing.

I sigh, "I don't know. My job is all I've ever known, really." Why am I pouring my thoughts out to this little girl? Why? But it just seems so easy, so I keep going. I tell her everything. How my parents sent me here when I was young, how I never heard back from them. I just keep going down the chronological line, how I was fascinated with this work, and how my fascination grew until work was really all I knew.

I finish, and fall silent, not really knowing why I told her my whole background. It just felt like I needed to tell someone. Louis doesn't say anything, and just silently finishes bandaging my shoulder.

She still doesn't say anything, even after she finishes.

Time to leave.

I stand up abruptly, shaking off the memories that had been brought up, "I've been here too long already, and I need to leave."

"Don't move."

I turn to the door, and see the girl's mother pointing Drake's fallen gun at my heart. My second-nature kicks in, and I locate the nearest exits. Left window would be easiest, I quickly decide, and then make my move.

I lunge at the window, shattering it as I go through it.

"Mommy, no!" I hear Louis scream.

I land hard on the ground, grunting slightly, before I'm back on my feet, bolting through the woods.

There is no gunfire behind me, but I don't care as I run harder, trying to block the memories that keep coming up.

OOh soul searching going on hard!!! Hope you all are having a great week, and are still enjoying the story! :D

Zane's POV: Evara

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