--Chapter Five--

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Kaira's POV

They left me alone once again and I fight against the tears that want to spill out. I hate this so much. I want to be home. I want to see my mum and daddy again. I want to laugh with Louis. I don't want to be afraid anymore.

But all those things are impossible. My family is dead and I am a prisoner. Nothing is going to change that.

With a quiet sob, I sink to my knees. My heart aches and I just want to rip it out. I slowly rock back and forth, trying to calm my emotions. But one thought keeps going through my mind. Why didn't they force me? Those men could have just forced me to do what they wanted easily, but they didn't. That woman, Kate they called her, just asked me. I don't understand why.

I scoot my back up against the glass wall and close my eyes. I am quite exhausted and could easily fall asleep. Only I don't. There is a part of my brain that insists I stay awake. And I listen. I don't know where I am and have no idea what could happen if I fall asleep.

Instead, I just rest for a while, but making sure to listen for any sounds. I don't hear anything at all, and that in itself is unnerving. But I shake it off and decide to stand. Perhaps I can find a way out of this prison.

I bang on the glass with my fists as hard as I can, but it doesn't seem to help. Determined, I keep banging on the glass, hoping for something to happen. The glass still doesn't move or crack at all and I am starting grow frustrated. I want to do something! I can't just sit here and do nothing.

But then the lights come back on abruptly and I realize I should have stayed quiet. The door opens again and that one guy comes back in, I think his name was Zane or something like that. He looks slightly annoyed at me. I back away from the glass until I'm in the center of the prison cell.

He comes to a stop right outside the glass and stares at me, his hands on his hips. I keep my lips sealed shut and stare back. I have no idea what to do so I stay still. I am guessing he is here because I was banging on the glass, but I can't be sure until he says so.

Zane presses his finger to a panel that had controlled the door to my confinement earlier, but no door opens. I just hear a slight buzz and then he speaks.

"Could you please stop doing that?" His voice is low and slightly husky. It sends shivers down my back.

But I don't answer. What would I say anyway? Oh sure, didn't realize I wasn't supposed to do that...? That would be beyond ridiculous. Besides, I am here against my will, why are they being nice to me? Why?

Instead, I dare to ask, "Why am I here?"

I see the corners of his mouth twitch into an almost smile. But he seems to catch himself and resume his casual demeanor before he answers.

DUh duh duuuuuh!!! jk that's not really a suspenseful moment. ;)

But, anyway, I hope you are enjoying this story! Comment and vote if you are!

Kaira's POV - Ithildae

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