Chapter Forty-Two

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I don't know what came into me. We were close and I had felt gravity pulling me towards her.

Now as I am being dragged away, I have a hint of an idea why. But still, I ask, "What are you doing?"

None of them respond, and I realize that they must have orders not to listen to me. Not good.

"Let me go!" I order them, yanking my arms in order to free them.

Their grips tighten, and as I glance at their faces I can see that they have a hint of fear written on them. They're afraid of me. As well they should be.

I'm suddenly torn inside. I could go willingly, accept punishment, and then possibly go back to my old life.

But that path has lost its desirability to me. My old personality is all but dead now. Kaira has changed me more than she knows, and I don't exactly know how.

The other option would be to fight back and free Kaira. Escape with her. And after that, I'm not sure what I would do. Perhaps start a new lab. But right now is the time for action.

Really there is no other choice.

I yank my hand free and swing a hard punch towards the nearest scientist. It connects, and he goes out cold. But by then the other scientists have acted and restrained me again. This time their grip is harder. Less relenting.

I try to free myself again, but they refuse to let me go, walking on, leaving the unconscious scientist on the floor.

They must really be in a hurry to get me somewhere, because they increase their efforts to drag me faster, despite my resistance.

I am half-dragged past many holding cells, and suddenly I am dragged towards one. I increase my efforts to escape, but they still hold me restrained.

A scientist is already waiting by the control panel, and he opens the door.

The scientists holding me shove me in, and immediately one of them slams on the button to close the door.

I lunge towards it, and suddenly have a deja vu of when Kaira had tried the exact same thing on me. Except, this time I fail in getting out. Instead, I slam into the now closed glass door.

Now I am trapped.

Oh, this is getting goooood!! >:) Haha, sorry for taking so long to update! I was gone for a couple of weeks, in my defense. :)

Anyway, hope you are still enjoying the story! See ya!

Zane's POV: Evara

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