--Chapter Twenty-Six--

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Zane's POV

Unbelievable. Seriously she is so stubborn!

But despite what I acted like, her words did sting. And as much as I hated it, I guessed that they were true. At least partially.

"I'm trying to help you!" I try again, "If you went willingly this would be much easier and less painful." I wish she would just cooperate. But if she doesn't this would probably be painful for her.

"Just go away and leave me alone!" She yells angrily, still posed to fight.

Resigning myself to the fact that she is going to continue to be stubborn, I pull out a walkie-talkie.

"I need four strong scientists down here now." I speak into it, keeping my eyes on Kaira.

"Coming right now," a voice comes through clearly.

I put the walkie talkie away and look at Kaira, "Last chance to endure less pain." I keep my voice deadpan of emotion, but I hope she agrees. Although that's not probable.

"Let. Me. Go." She whispers pleadingly.

"I can't."

She lunges at me, trying to catch me off guard. But fails.

Easily, I catch her mid-air, stopping her second long flight.

At that moment, the four scientists come down the hallway. They seem surprised at seeing me holding Kaira, and don't really try to hide it.

Quickly, they bring the bed over and with their help, I strap Kaira down. She is yelling and fighting the whole time, making the job twice as hard, but we still manage it.

Once she is strapped down, I start pushing the bed towards the experimenting room. The scientists are on each side of the bed, and soon we arrive at the room.

Pushing Kaira's bed—along with her— into the middle of the room, I order for the machines to be hooked up.

The scientists work quickly, and soon wires are attached to a cap around her head. The wires penetrate through the cap into her brain, where the emotion fluids are located.

After going back to her holding cell and retrieving the liquid emotion, I walk to the machine and put the container in the section designated for it.

The trick now is how to tell what emotion is bottled. After we put some back in her brain, we need some way to know what she is feeling.

Which is going to be difficult, but I know what I'm doing.

Hey guys! Hope you are having an awesome Saturday so far! :D

Zane's POV: Evara

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