--Chapter Seventy-Four--

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Zane's POV

"Kaira, run!" I yell, seeing the men catching up.

She doesn't move, hugging the body of her now-dead father. A wave of guilt and grief washes over me, knowing that I did this to them. But now isn't the time for regret. It's the time for action.

"Kaira!" I call urgently again, but she does nothing.

I curse, realizing what I have to do.

I force myself to turn from her and run towards the exit.

I burst through the door and immediately head to the woods. Anywhere away from here, really.

Max is bouncing on my shoulders, completely dead weight, but I run anyway, trying to ignore the extra weight.

Without realizing it, I'm headed towards Kaira's neighbor's home. I can't think of anywhere else to go right now, and eventually it comes into sight.

I gradually slow down until I'm at a stand still, watching the house.

Creeping forward, I get to the front of the house, and take Max off my shoulders, laying him in front of the door. I take off my lab coat and place it on him, trying to keep his lash-wounds somewhat protected.

I knock loudly, and then bolt to the side of the house.

Just as I slip around the corner, I hear the door open, and exclamations of confusion and astonishment.

Quickly and quietly I slip away, headed towards the lab.

In a much shorter time than before, due to the lack of a grown man on my shoulders, the lab comes into sight.

I find a close up, yet safe, position and try to get comfortable as I try to think of a plan to rescue Kaira. None come, which makes me more restless and upset.

I recall the positioning of everything in the lab. Rooms, prisons, storages, everything. There has to be some way...

An idea sparks, and I listen to it, thinking it through. Once I'm satisfied with it, I crouch down and wait until dark.

Kaira, please hold on.

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