--Chapter Nineteen--

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Kaira's POV

I was so close! Now I'm sure I won't have any chances to get away. They will most likely raise the security around this dump just to be sure.

I test the straps once just to reaffirm what I already know. They are of course just as tight as before and pull painfully against my skin.

Now I am in so much more trouble than I was before. What was I thinking? Now that poor man is going to be punished because of me as well! And all he was trying to do was help...

I feel tears leaking out the corners of my eyes and I can barely hold it in. The guilt is threatening to drag me under again and I feel hopelessness setting in.

Minutes later, Zane comes back in and walks over to me. His expression is still full of anger and annoyance and I know it is directed at me.

I swallow and almost choke on the bile that starts to come up. I barely manage to push it back down as I look him in the eyes.

"I warned you that your punishment would be worse if you didn't give up your futile attempt," he says, dangerously quiet.

I gather my courage once more and shoot a wad of spit at his face, effectively hitting him on the right cheek. He slowly wipes it off before turning around and saying, "That's it. No more nice guy."

He walks out of my sight and I hear a door opening. Then I hear his voice once more. "Give her two doses of Kinfection and begin." With that, the door closes and I can't hear him anymore.

The pain that follows is worse than what I was feeling earlier. It eats away at any hope and sanity I have left, leaving me empty. Then I feel... surprisingly calm. The pain is still here, but i'm not afraid of it anymore.

I am put into a machine of sorts while many wires are hooked up to me on my head and arms and stomach. I have already given up struggling and just lay there on the bed, empty.

For now, the fight has been knocked out of me. But I can only hope that this isn't the end of me.

I lie there on the bed for an unknown amount of time until someone removes me from it and I realize it is Zane. He wheels me on the bed back to my old cell.

"Nice going, girl. Thanks to your little rebellion attempt, I am assigned to watch you," Zane mutters and I shudder. Watch me? Like I'm not already sick of seeing his face.

He starts to unhook the straps holding me down and I feel my normal self coming back. All the familiar emotions: fear, uncertainty, and anger. And with the anger, I feel my persistence and determination come back. Just in time.

:D Thanks for reading!

Kaira: Ithildae

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