--Chapter Thirty-Seven--

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Kaira's POV:

My stomach grumbles and I wish I could rub it to relieve some of the ache. I haven't eaten in a while, and I want to accept the food, but I'm still not sure if I can trust him. I mean, so what if he just admitted to feeling weird about me too? He could have been lying.

In the end, however, my stomach wins out, and tells me to take the food.

I nod slowly, "Thanks." Then wait for him to unbind me so I can eat.

He doesn't move, and he looks awkward or slightly embarrassed. He glances down at the tray in his hands, then back up at me.

"Are you going to get me out of these things?" I jiggle my restrained hands for effect.

I notice red creeping up Zane's neck and cheeks.

"I can't."

So he doesn't trust me fully either. Well, he's a bit smarter than I thought.

"Then how am I going to be able to eat?" I ask, exasperatedly.

He bites his lip and I can really tell now that he is embarrassed.

Then I realize why. And no, I won't let him. He is not going to feed me like some common animal!

I shake my head, "No. Not a chance."

"But I can't-"

"I said no, so find another way," I grumble. I still have some dignity left even though it's not much, and I plan on keeping it intact. I have been poked, prodded, and used as an animal in many other ways, and let me tell you, it was not pleasant in the slightest.

He looks at me with a sympathetic expression, but doesn't say anything which confirms my fears. Either I can let him feed me, or I just won't get the food.

So much for being nice to me...

Kaira's POV: Ithildae

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