--Chapter Seventy-Six--

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Zane's POV

By the time night falls, I am extremely restless.

When I deem it is dark enough, I stand up and bolt to the lab walls, pressing myself against them.

I creep along them until I find the part where I am guessing my personal lab was. I feel the walls, sensitive to the slightest bump or crevice.

Finally, I feel a ridge that is the tiniest bit larger than the others. I flatten my thumb on it, pressing slightly. Backing up, I line my eyes up with where I think it is. I don't see or hear anything, but I know it is scanning my eyes to see if I am Zane.

There's a small noise as a piece of the wall near the ground presses inward, leaving enough room for me to crawl in. It's a tight fit, but I force myself to keep going. I try to pick up the pace, knowing that after one minute is up, the door will close again, regardless if I'm in it or not.

Finally I'm in my lab, and breathe a sigh of relief as the door closes mutely.

The door had been made in case of any chemical leaks. I could get out quickly and safely then. But I had made a lot of safety precautions so that I would be the only one able to get out and in through it.

I take an extra lab coat and put it on. Might as well try to blend in. Most of the scientists probably don't know that I betrayed them.

I think quickly, trying to figure out where they would put her. Most likely not in her old cells, but it's worth a shot...

Moving quickly, I go out the door, walking confidently like I have every right to be there. Even though I don't, but I figure less people will question me if I act confident.

I walk slightly faster than normal, trying to hurry, yet still appear normal. Not an easy thing to do.

When I get to Kaira's old cell, I look in quickly. Not seeing her there, I feel a small sense of panic rise in me. I focus on breathing for a moment, calming myself. Think, Zane, think. Where would they put her?

Almost as soon as I ask myself the question, I know the answer. And it's not a very comforting answer.

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