--Chapter Eighty-Six--

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Zane's POV

I hear sobs coming from the direction of the house, and quickly look towards it. I see Kaira on her knees in front of the house, her short hair hanging loosely around her face.I hesitate, deciding what to do.

Finally, I come to a decision. I need to talk to her, at least once more before I leave.

I stand up, taking my bloody lab coat off and dropping it on the grass. That life is behind me now.

Walking slowly, I arrive in front of Kaira, and suddenly feel awkward. What do I say? In the laboratory things just happened, I didn't think about it. But this is different.

"Kaira," I say quietly, not knowing what else to say.

She looks up quickly, and a smile spreads on her face when she sees me, "Zane!" she stands up and runs towards me, throwing her arms around my neck.

I'm shocked, to say the least, but I respond, folding my arms around her back. I can feel her flinch from her injuries, and I quickly loosen my embrace.

Eventually she removes her arms from around my neck, looking into my eyes, "I missed you," she says, and I can tell she means it.

"I missed you, too." I say, being completely honest.

I can see her become tired all of a sudden, and she grabs my arm for support. Gently, I helped her back inside of the house, moving her towards a nearby couch. She winces at each step, clearly in a lot of pain.

Her mother, who was in the kitchen, quickly hurries over, lending her support to Kaira, "Honey, you shouldn't have gotten up by yourself," she chides Kaira, and then turns her gaze to me.

Unmistakably, she jerks her head at the door. Kaira's mother obviously hasn't forgotten what I've done.

I nod once slowly. Kaira will be happier here with her family.

Quietly, I turn towards the door to leave.

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