--Chapter Three--

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Kaira's POV

Floating. I feel like I'm floating. Everything is black around me and I feel an inexpressible feeling of calmness. But something doesn't want me to stay that way and too soon I start to become conscious.

I am ripped from the black hole and I open my eyes. A bright, fluorescent light shines down on me and I blink furiously. My eyes water and it takes a couple of minutes before I can look around.

I am lying on a cold, metal floor and I feel quite cold. Shivers are racing up and down my back and arms, so I quickly sit up. Where am I? I am in a...glass, maybe...room. There is a single fluorescent light on the ceiling that lights up the room.

Abruptly, I get off the cold floor and observe the room again. There is nothing in my small confinement and when I bang on the glass, it doesn't move. Not that I thought it would, but I thought it would be worth a try.

I try to think back to what happened, but everything is a bit blurry. I remember my parents, running, and then hiding at the neighbors, but then what happened? I had heard a noise downstairs, so I hid under the bed in case, but...that man! He had found me. And...and shot me with something.

They had caught me.

I straighten my grey jacket, trying to distract myself from the feeling of panic that bubbles up in my stomach. I'm trapped and I don't like it one bit.

I strain my eyes to see through the glass, but everything is dark and the light in my space does nothing to get rid of it. Then, another light comes on as I am watching. It reveals a long hallway with a door at the end. Everything is also white that I can see.

The door opens as several people enter the hallway. They have some sort of bed on wheels with them, and it almost looks like a hospital bed or something. A feeling of unease settles in my stomach and I back away from the wall, keeping my eyes on them.

The walk is fairly short to my prison and soon they stand before me. Now that I can see clearer, I notice that the two men and one woman have on some sort of lab coat on. They are watching me through the glass and I don't like it one bit. In fact, I hate it. But I don't let my feelings show.

I stare at each of the people, trying to memorize their faces. The woman is quite difficult to map out in my mind because she is so common place. Her hair is a general brown color and pulled into a ponytail and her face has no distinguishable features that I can tell.

The next man is an older guy with greying hair and I unconsciously rub my own brown hair. I am suddenly thankful that I braided it before the...incident...happened. It is so long, reaching almost to my hips, that it would have been such a pain to run with.

When my eyes move to the last guy, I almost fall backwards. It is the one who found me! He is the one who...who shot me and took me.

Hello again! Hope you are enjoying this so far!

Kaira's POV is written by Ithildae

Zane's POV is written by Evara

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