--Chapter Fifty-Six--

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Zane's POV

"I swear, I will shoot her if you shoot him!" The man pressing the gun to Drake's wife's head repeats.

"Drake. You can either come willingly or not willingly." I say slowly, "But one will end up with someone--either you or your wife-- injured. Or maybe dead. You don't want that."

I can see the struggle going on in his brain. Finally, slowly, he drops the gun, "You're right. I don't want that. I'm not a monster." he glares at me, obviously still angry.

The man pointing the gun at the woman, lets her go and moves to restrain Drake.

What happens next seems like slow-motion.

Drake snaps his arm up with the gun and fires. At me.

Pain erupts in my left shoulder, and I stagger backwards before stopping myself.

Three of my men bolt forward and grab Drake, while his wife is screaming. One of my men eventually decides to silence her, shooting a tranquilizer at her.

Drake lunges back towards her, restrained by the men, who now start dragging him out of the house.

"Clarissa!" he screams, still struggling.

"Get back to the lab. I'll catch up." I order them. They give me a quick questioning glance before following my orders and leaving.

I watch them go for a moment, and then re-enter the house. I honestly don't know why I am doing this, but I feel like I have to.

Walking slowly, I go into the little girl's room, seeing her cowered in the corner of her bed.

"P-p-please d-don't hurt m-me..." she stammers, trying to shrink further in the corner.

I give her a sad smile, "I'm not going to hurt you. Listen, your sister is fine." I try to talk reassuringly, "Your mom is just sleeping and will wake up soon."

She watches me for a moment, and seeming to come to a decision, points at my shoulder, "You're bleeding. Let me help."

*throws confetti* An extra update because all of you readers are fabulous :D

Zane's POV: Evara

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