--Chapter Forty-Eight--

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Zane's POV

"Well I don't anymore." My voice drops in volume, matching hers. Whatever I had previously felt for her is dead.

Kaira freezes, and I can almost see water glint in her eyes before she blinks it away.

"Zane," she whispers, her eyes meeting mine.

There is a shout from the other side of the door, and I hear the words, "Prisoner on the loose!"

"In here!" I yell, and pull her away from the door, putting my other hand on the handle.

"Please," Kaira begs, and I can see her eyes water, "Zane, don't let them take me back,"

I ignore her; she is a test subject. That's all.

Twisting the handle, I pull it open, keeping my grip on Kaira's arm strong and steady. Now she starts to struggle, pulling away from me, "Let me go!" She screams.

Confusion and anger build up inside me and I swing my fist into her stomach.

She gasps in pain and I feel her legs give out beneath her. My grip is unchanged, and I find myself practically holding her up.

Confusion is whirling inside of me. My brain is telling myself that something is missing. I just know it. But I don't know what it is. And frustration wells up, drowning everything out.

Out in the hall, a flustered scientist is coming towards us.

"Lose this?" I hold up Kaira's arm slightly.

He nods, sending a dark glare towards her. A hint of concern for Kaira pops up inside me, but it quickly leaves.

The scientist steps forward and strikes Kaira across the face, splitting her lip and causing blood to trickle down. Kaira jerks her head away from the scientist, and I get a good look at her face. For the first time I notice other cuts and bruises on her face and arms.

I don't remember seeing those before...

"Who did this?" I jerk my head at Kaira, and the scientist swallows harder than usual.

"She wasn't cooperating..." he looks a bit nervous, but for no reason really.

I nod once, "Take her back,"

He grabs her arm, and as he half-drags her away, I see Kaira glance back at me.

"Zane," she whispers, and her eyes fill with tears before she's gone.

Sorry for the wait, as usual! Hope you are still enjoying the book :)

Zane's POV: Evara

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