--Chapter Thirty--

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As I stand up, I can't help but be a tad bit skeptical. Why would she stare at me first?

But I keep going, and unlock the door to her cell. If something's wrong, I'll find out what. If something isn't wrong, I'm stronger than her.

Walking in, I go over to her, "What's wrong?" I ask a bit abruptly. I would rather get back to studying the liquid emotion of fear and anger. It's much more interesting.

She moans quietly, and the thought occurs to me that this could be an effect of taking her emotions from her. This becomes much more interesting considering that possibility.

I crouch down, sitting on my heels, "Can you tell me where it hurts?"

Her eyes flicker open to register me. Or rather where I am.

She springs up and attacks, swinging her fists at me.

I was unprepared, so her fist makes connection with my head. My vision flickers black for a moment. Apparently she's stronger than I thought.

She doesn't waste a moment and bolts toward the open door. Surprisingly, she is extremely fast and makes it out the door. Her face is tightened in concentration as she messes with the panel, trying to shut the door.

As soon as she had bolted, however, I had sprung to my feet and darted after her. She had the element of surprise, and I am a few feet from the door when it begins to close.

Using my momentum, I slide, barely making it through the door before it shuts behind me.

As soon as I'm out of the door I get to my feet. Kaira looks pale as she realizes I made it out of the cell. Immediately, she turns to run.

"Not so fast," I snarl and grab the back of her shirt, keeping her from going far.

"Let me go!" She yells, furious.

"I don't think so." I pull her backwards and use my other hand to grab her arm. Pushing her in front of me, I let go of her shirt to open the door.

We'll have to make some security adjustments with her.

Lol, Kaira won't stop trying, will she?

Zane's POV: Evara

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