--Chapter Two--

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Zane's POV

The men around me pant, slightly out of breath as we stop, seeing a house. A small smirk plays on my face at their out-of-breathness, as I myself am breathing evenly, being in better shape than them.

"To the house." I bark out orders to them, and start into a jog again. Coming to the door, I bang on it loudly.

After a few seconds, the door opens partially, and I see a middle-aged woman peek out.

"How may I help you?" She asks, and I sense a hint of guilt in her voice.

"Where is the fugitive?" I demand, knowing full well that the girl is in there.

She tries to fake a confused expression, "What fugitive?"

Losing my patience, I glare at her, "If you continue to withhold the girl from us, we will have no trouble in setting your house ablaze. Is that clear?"

I see her face pale, obviously frightened by my threat. To be honest, I don't really want to set the house on fire, but it's getting later, and I want to get back to the lab quickly.

"She's upstairs." the woman whispers, and moves backwards into the house.

I let out a breath of air quickly and push the door open, striding inside.

The woman moved to the side of the house, now with two children clutching at her legs. Their hair is extremely disheveled and they are in their night clothes. I feel a smile coming onto my lips at how cute they look, but quickly dismiss it. That would not be a good self-image. Breaking into someone's house extremely rudely, and then smiling at how cute their children are. That would be bad.

"Which room." I say it more like a statement instead of an actual question, not really feeling like being polite.

"First room on the left," the woman says quietly, still hugging her children tightly.

I walk quickly to the stairs and go up them two at a time, eager to be done. I hear the men that accompanied me on this mission following behind. At the top of the stairs there is a hallway with two rooms on each side. Following the woman's directions, I abruptly open the door, seeing if I could catch the girl unprepared.

I see no one in the room. Narrowing my eyes, I walk into the room slowly, eyes sweeping around the room. I have a thought, and I crouch down to look under the bed. I smile, satisfied, seeing her curled into a ball under the bed.

Seeing an easy option, I pull out my tranquilizer gun, putting enough liquid in there to keep her asleep for one hour. I fire the gun at her, having no trouble hitting her at this easy distance. She makes a small noise of pain before I see her completely relax, obviously unconscious.

I reach under and grab her arm, dragging her out from under the bed. Standing up, I sling her over my shoulder, and walk out of the room. The men follow behind me as I walk down the stairs.

The woman and her children have not moved at all since I went upstairs, and they watch us with big eyes. I ignore them and walk out of the house, still being trailed by the men in my group.

As I start into a jog, I feel a twinge of pity for the girl. I quickly shove it away, but I still have the knowledge that she is now a test subject.

Chapter Two! Again, thank you guys for reading this! We really appreciate it :)

Kaira's POV - Ithildae

Zane's POV - Evara

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