--Chapter Four--

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Zane's POV

The girl is awake, and seems extremely surprised to see me. I can't imagine why, though.

Kate seems to notice the girl's expression and comments, "Seems kind of shocked to see you, Zane." She grins at me, but I just nod. Kate's a nice girl, but I'm not that interested in her. However, she clearly is interested in me. Which makes things.... interesting.

"She probably remembers me shooting her." I say absently, noting the girl's obviously long--and shiny-- hair.

"It'd probably be best if you tried to get her on the bed," I turn to Kate, "The chances are high that she won't cooperate with me."

She nods, eager to do whatever I want.

"Derek and I will be here, ready to intervene if she gets dangerous." I inform her, moving over to the panel that controls the practically invisible door. It's a design I had made for the new experiments we are starting to conduct, and had proved extremely useful.

I click a button, and Kate rolls the bed into the room. After she enters, I close the door, still ready to open it again if necessary.

Kate rolls the bed to the middle of the floor, pretending for now that the girl isn't there. I know what she's doing--trying to put the girl at ease, if that's possible.

After situating the bed and putting its brakes down, Kate smiles and looks at the girl. The soundproof setting for the walls is off, so I can hear what she says.

"Hello," She speaks slightly slower than normal-- another ploy to get the girl to relax, "What's your name?"

Of course, we already know her name. I check a paper that's next to the panel to refresh myself. Kaira. That's right.

Kaira doesn't answer for a moment, eyeing Kate with a bit of confusion on her face, "What's going on?"

Kate smiled again, "This must be very confusing to you." She efficiently dodges the question and plays the sympathy card at the same time. I will admit, she does know her stuff.

"Please lay down on this bed." Kate steps back away from the bed, giving Kaira some space. Again. A ploy to put her at ease. I reflect on how many things we do to put the people we are testing at ease. Yes, Kaira is not the only one.

Kaira doesn't move, and Kate sighs, "We won't hurt you." Kate steps farther away from the bed, as if to prove her point. When Kaira still doesn't move, Kate nods once, "I understand you want to be alone." she turns and gestures for me to open the door.

I click the button, and the door opens, letting Kate out with the bed.

"Maybe tomorrow we'll make more progress." she murmurs to me.

I nod, still frustrated at the lack of progress, "We'll try tomorrow.

Sorry for the lack of updates! I've been forgetting! :) Anyway, hope you are enjoying this story!

Zane's POV: Evara

Kaira's POV: Ithildae

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