--Chapter Eight--

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Zane's POV

Why does she have to make everything so difficult?! Seriously!

The only positive thing in this situation is that we'll be able to extract the emotion anger from her easily. That is, if I figure out exactly how. I'm almost positive that I know, but I just need to test my theory. And to do that, I need Kaira to get on the bed so I can take her to the testing room.

I walk slowly towards her, "Just get on the bed, and I won't have to force you."

She tries to back up some more, but she is at the edge of the glass room. "Please, don't," she whispers.

I feel like groaning, "Get on the bed." I order, putting as much authority as I can into my voice.

She still doesn't move, and finally I am close enough to grab her arm. She is tiny compared to me, and I have no trouble dragging her over to the bed.

"Let me go!" She yells, fighting against me.

I ignore her, and lift her up, getting her on the bed. There are straps on the bed that are currently tucked under it--so that she can't see them--designed for restraining her. I just need to get them on her and the hard part will be done.

The first strap is the most difficult to get on, but eventually, I strap her right arm down. After that, it gets much easier, and soon she is completely strapped down: legs, arms, and forehead.

I turn next to leave the room, and freeze. The door is closed. I am an idiot. I should have thought of that before.

I turn back to Kaira, who still looks extremely frightened. Sighing mentally, I set about slowly checking and tightening the straps, hoping someone will come before I finish.

Thankfully, someone does come before I finish, and opens the door, saying, "Zane, the machine is ready whenever you are."

I nod and tug on the last strap, tightening it. Turning around, I exit the room pulling the bed behind me, ready to test my theory.

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Zane's POV- Evara

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