--Chapter Thirty-One--

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Kaira's POV

Ugh! Why didn't it work? And why does he have such a hard head? That should have at least stunned him a bit!

I am way more than peeved as he pulls me back into my prison for what seems like the hundredth time. When we are inside, he swings me around so I am facing him and leans down into my face.

"I wish you would just give it up already," Zane sighs. Give it up? Really?

"Oh, I'm sorry for being such an inconvenience for you, I had no idea," I say with a mocking tone. Of course, I don't mean a single word of what I said, and I can tell he knows it.

Zane narrows his eyes at me and tightens his grip on my arm ever so slightly.

"Nothing you try will work," he says and I hear a trace of anger or frustration in his voice. Good.

"I don't care if it works or not," I spit back, "But I'm not going to just give up and let you have your way with me!" I try to pull my arm out of his grip, but he doesn't allow it. A stinging sensation prickles where he is gripping tightly and I wiggle my fingers.

He stares at me and I glare right back, not backing down. Abruptly, he pulls on my arm and walks me out of my prison. What is he doing? Zane picks up something from his desk that looks like a radio and speaks into it.

"I need some help," is all he says before someone answer through the device, saying they are sending someone. And I realize that it can't be good for me. Whatever he plans to do, I know I won't like it.

I try to back away from him, but he turns back to look at me and wrenches my arm forward, causing me to stumble into him. I take a breath in and almost smile. He smells... nice. Like something clean, but also a hint of pine.

What am I doing? I am going crazy! I shake my head and pull my face out of his shirt to look up at him.

"Just stop struggling. It only ends with you being hurt." I notice his nose is crinkling slightly and realize why. He may smell nice, but I certainly don't. Not while I'm still covered in dried vomit and blood. Ha. He deserves it.

Kaira's POV: Ithildae

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