--Chapter Fourteen--

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Zane's POV

What is taking him so long? That idiot probably just fell asleep on the job.

I stand up, deciding to go check on Kaira. I can't focus here anyway.

I stride out of the room towards the testing room, still trying to think of a way to counter her seizure. The first question I need to ask is, was it a one time thing? Or will it keep happening? I decide to try it again to answer that question.

I arrive at the room and stare in. Kaira is gone. Blast it, that incompetent idiot can't even keep her restrained on a bed. I frown, thinking it though. Getting the restraints off would have been extremely difficult. I doubt she could have gotten them off without the guard noticing, although he could have been sleeping. Assuming she did get them off by herself, which is unlikely, there is absolutely no way she could have gotten out of this glass room. The glass is extremely hard to break, although again it could possibly be doable. But the glass isn't broken. Which means she was let out.

Which means we have a traitor.

All of this takes only a few seconds for me to process and I go quickly into action. I scan all around and see the fleeing form of the scientist down a hallway.

Walking quickly, I go after him. He may try to pretend like nothing's wrong. Which would be an idiotic thing to do, but after all, he is an idiot.

I catch up to him. "Jackson," I say firmly.

He whirls around, obviously as jumpy as a spring. When he sees me, I can tell he becomes even more nervous.

But he masks it quickly, and smiles, "Hey, Zane." After a slight pause he continues, "I left Dale to watch Kaira, by the way."

Clever ploy, but he made a big mistake by choosing Dale. Dale is a high ranking scientist. Jackson is a low ranking scientist. There is no way Dale would let Jackson tell him to watch Kaira.

But if I can get him to go along peacefully, it'll be easier, so I act like I believe it, "Right."

I can see him relax a tiny bit, obviously fooled by my pretending to be fooled at his lie.

"Garett wants you in the study room." I lie, jerking my head in the direction of the room.

He nods once and starts walking towards the room. I walk behind him. Time to crush his confidence.

"Dale wouldn't take orders from you." I say just loud enough for him to hear.

OOH! What's going to happen next??!! I certainly don't know... XD

But, you guys shall have to wait until next update :P

On that happy note, I hope you guys are enjoying this story, and bye!

Zane's POV- Evara

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