--Chapter Eighteen--

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Zane's POV:

I push harder on the handle, knowing she won't be able to hold out for long. Well, she better not hold out for long. I'm already frustrated enough at her.

I feel her resistance getting weaker, and wanting to get this over with, I use all of my strength to force the handle down and push it in.

I hear her gasp as the door goes in. I am totally put out with her and don't bother to be gentle as I grab her arm.

"This is the hard way," I snarl.

I see a look of last-ditch determination come over her face and she swings her other arm around to punch my face.

I barely have time to respond, and I have to let go of her arm to dodge her punch.

"Feisty, aren't you?" I smirk, knowing she will attack again.

She glares and tries to punch again. This time, I catch her hand, twisting it painfully. She cries out in pain and struggles to free herself, swinging her other arm at me. I sway backwards, avoiding it, and using my other arm, I grab her forearm as it misses my jaw.

Easily, I walk backwards out the door, dragging her with me. She is clearly furious at how easily I pull her along, but she can't do anything about it.

"Let me go!" She yells angrily.

"No." I say simply. I let go of her hand, and with the hand that is holding her forearm, twist it behind her back. "We're going back now." I say it as a matter of fact and walk her towards her room.

As we're walking-- as in I'm walking and she's being forced to do so-- a group of people with guns come tramping down towards us.

"Stand down," I order, "I've got the situation under control."

They stop and step to the sides as I walk Kaira over to the testing room. Opening the door, I push her in towards the bed. She struggles the whole way, but I easily finish pushing her there.

I lift her onto the bed, and after multiple tries, get one of her arms restrained. From there I get the rest of her limbs restrained, as well as her forehead.

"Please," she whispers, "Just let me go."

A small part of me feels pity for her, and I'm tempted to let her go. Then I realize what I'm thinking and force it away.

"No." I answer coldly and turn, leaving the room.

"Now for Jackson." I mutter to myself, and head in that direction.

Oh dear, Kaira is really in a bad situation! Sorry for the late update, once more, and thank you all for reading this still!

Zane: Evara

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